
*how long until.

I’ve seen that. Unbelievable, how until they start "editing" our videos?

Could it be that with their pay for lies rendered, free medical insurance, Go Fund Me accounts and other benefits, that long-term, they are getting more than US$100,000 in benefits to keep their mouths shut? I personally think your 100,000 reward money is very safe. These hoax drills have become a US$ billion industry and they are going to do everything to stay in business. All the best with your efforts to bring forth the truth.

I forgot the link to jeranism video.

AML, February 9th 2018 is 9/11 backwards twice. Expect the unexpected?

jeranism caught SpaceX editing their "livestream" and shows proof. Scan through the video. YouTube let SpaceX change the flaws in the live footage that people caught. SpaceX can actually change history. 90 percent or more of the sleeping sheep believe that this crap is real. Pretty sad. I will upload this tomorrow unless you say not to. I think they are scrubbing this statement that Tony Stark made from YouTube as well.

What Streaty said.

I’m not surprised. Everything with space is Green Screen or CGI.

Side Thorn got a bone and he ain’t letting go.

And here with toupee:

Felony Musk as Avalon calls him is an Intel creation. Everything with Elon Musk is fake. Even his hair – He using a toupee. His real hair:

It’s a hard job try to give away 100,000 dollars – Nobody seems to want the money. You stick the reward flyer under their noses – and people directly running away. And now: Bullhorn Reward Offer – same reaction = no interest at all. This is the dead giveaway that ’indicate’ that no one died. (I use an understatement). You two against the whole Sutherland Springs. But like they say: It’s not the size of the dog in fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.

Non existent address? – EVERYTHING with this Sutherland Springs event seems to be bogus. Nice to see that it is some decent people in the corrupt system. This Police says so much he can without getting fired. Thanks ST & CG – you two working hard to serve America the truth!

Mocking the shit out of us! Freemason written all over it!

That takes balls. Did anyone show?

Truly excellent work, Side Thorn and Conspiracy Granny. I’m impressed with the sheriff who you spoke to. Seems like a good man. Hope he gets in there and does the right thing and deals with disgraceful threats against CG and the late-night harassing calls.

Watching the footage of the "started car" you can see particles (bubbles?) flying off the front of the car. Flying off and upwards. I’m dumbfounded that people believe this shit. rnYou can tell its real because it looks so fake, really? 😂😂😂😂rn

Comedy supplied by Elon Musk.

I first heard about it on the radio in the car. I laughed so hard. Then when u saw it, all I could do was shake my head in disbelief that people actually believe this shit. But it’s the rockets "landing" that cracks me up must. And the fact that people believe you can steer such rockets to land on its base. rnJust ridiculous.

And psycho lies.