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TY Bro! Means a lot!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Sorry, I’m still learning to do these videos. I’m much more of a researcher but I will get better! TY for watching

TY for watching and your Support!!! Means alot

Yup no doubt about it. This was the story that got me going. I can’t atand when they pass off these fake school shootings as real and collect major donations. 100% Hoax!!

Has anyone noticed that these devils do not have Texas accents? also has gofundme account set up too which i am sure after news broadcast will receive more donations for this clown

colbath is related to some people who had this weird fire start the night of the shooting. strangest thing. the fire started. they called the fire department and it was put out. then later on that morning about 3 or so, the fire restarted. i was thinking when this happened that this was a warning .

another liar coming up for air. going to be going around doing speaking engagements. better than working for a living.

You can tell it’s real cause it looks so fake? Say what? That was the strangest press conference too! It wasn’t the only weird thing he said but this summed it up! Ridiculous BS they want everyone to believe just like the Mars Rover!

Love it !

You know it’s real when it looks fake, musk rat logic.

I heard about this on the propaganda news in the UK today. Couldn’t wait for someone to pick up on it .

Wow i am from Ky and i was wondering if the school shooting was real or not.I Was 60/40 on it because they didn’t have all day coverage Of It on the main news networks like they always do.Wow Lester Holt Is a Fake.When you showed that woman in the Vegas hospital i know right then that was the lady from Pulse.

He has told us over and over he is trying to give us the illusion we are in space.

That staged garbage is ludicrous. It reminds me of the trash fence at the Vegas Concert Shooting Hoax. Excellent vid.