
Upside down world .

Been looking into the tax roles ourselves on a lot of folks . Hickory Hill is one road you will really have fun looking into .

That is the paid troll Michael Reszneki 2119 Michigan Avenue Unit B (rear) Los Angeles California 90033 . He has cloned Peekay’s old channel . Peekay is now Peekay Music and Peekay Lives .

Walking in righteousness ! Walking in Truth! Walking with protection from the most high Alahim Yahuah. The prayers of the Qodesh saints are with you. This is Kingdom work. They better not try this phycological operation hoax terrorism in my town whoever is reading , cause I will be thorn in your side .

Every time I watch you 2 do this I think ’damn, I hope a drill happens close to me’. I just want to test my own balls to see how I would react in these type of situations coz it takes some serious guts to do what you 2 do. Appreciate the fight that you guys are putting in to expose truth. If more people were as courageous as you 2 we would live in a completely different society. Much respect from Oz.

If 1 of my family was actually killed and someone offered 100G’S I’D be collecting The Money

So this guy issues warnings without verifying the address even exists. Kind of hard to respect his professional capacity when he has none. He should be giving warnings to people who file false complaints. What can you expect from someone involved in falsifying evidence, charity fraud, psychological terrorism and lying to the public.

interesting side note. i noticed that kris workman, the guy who plays guitar who now is acting like he is paralyzed for life ,riding around in a wheel chair on stage etc. his father’s place near floresville , has had the property taxes zeroed out for the last 3 years. what is that? also i noticed a lady who claims she saw the shooter before he crashed on the road on hwy 539 who now lives at 2348 hwy 539, a blond lady who said she saw the shooter stop in front of her house, and now the video has been taken down of course on youtube. but anyway her property is not listed in the tax rolls of either guadalupe county or wilson county. strange if you ask me. is there some funny business going on with this and does it have anything to do with this hoax.

Just To let you know Sidethorn.Peekay Truth Just Posted A Video About you on You Tube Just to let you know.I Thought he was a good truther and don’t know what he has against you.

Thanks , cracked us up !

Thanks patriots , just a little payback for this corrupt system kicking us around for so long .

We sure hope so but I won’t hold my breath for any of them to do the right thing .

Obvious isn’t it .

Funeral homes are coming up but we have a new cemetery update video coming tomorrow .

He knows for sure.

there may be some people inside the system that do not like what they see. one can only hope. they cannot say what they think. however. this may play in your advantage over time.

Have you all been to the funeral Home Yet Or Did i miss that Video.Have You All Went Back And Seen What They Did To The Shallow Graves In The Cemetery.Have You Been Bared From The Church And The Lady’s Gas Station.

the shaft music is appropriate no doubt

Real American Patriots here folks.

Love the name. lol.