
Somebody got super bored with the video editing software. Thanks for wasting 4 minutes of my life.

First I heard of it was in the car, on the radio. I laughed so hard, then when I got home and saw it, I laughed even harder.

Gday. 😃

Okay man im here now I like this site awesome man

Excellent video !

LOl..was discussing how the applause seemed over the top and not natural. Great video and analogy!!


Couldnt reply to YOU Gregg .. All the BS out "there", yes.. agree all BS.. anything this side of belts.. who knows.. rn rncouple guys filmed "something" from different distances.. Can find many of them.. Doubt all those poor guys are on the pay roll. Never know tho.. rnDONT know what it is but.. like said, its NOT what we were sold.. So we keep on figure it out.. FFS it might be holograms. lol... Peacern

Where there is one snake ...

I pray you are right Sour_Diesel .

From just watching this and using one’s intuition, no one I’ve show this to believes the synchronised landing to be real! ’Same with the Roadster orbiting out there in the Van Allen belts - ’doesn’t look real!

Being a homo trans DECEIVER is A BAD thing. Get over it tool.

I should have said just like our fake phony president. (need an edit function)

Ugh, that is just nasty.

Fly a small plane over the church carrying a long sign from back of plane. Something like "$100k is yours. Just show us someone died"

His name is Mason and the picture has an orange wall behind the vending machine...... do I need to say anything else.

Isn’t synchronized landing an Olympic event....?

Just like out fake phony president....