
And now we have footage from yesterday of car in space, lol. This is what I think of it all......

And now they have footage of car in space from yesterday. This is what I think of it.....

Just like the Pulse, basically closed down. They had no licence since 1/1/14 to operate with Pulse name/logo. This church may have been in deep financial trouble. The Pulse was a dump and this church was probably a rathole slightly fixed up for the staged event.

I didn’t even notice that until you pointed it out. There’s the one tranny announcer/host on the left 1:38 does that count?

This event gave me a week loads of laughs.


They wont’ turn on us. An awakening is happening. They will turn on their handlers. They will see the light and turn to it, realizing they joined the oppressors in error.

Oh no so scary, 1 dickhead pilot in an aging rust copter. We’re shakin’ in our boots, rofl.

No one knows how to deliver a speech like that anymore. Amazing.

Farmer Brown needs to keep hauling in more dirt to keep the "graves" from collapsing.

Demons everywhere we turn!

I’m ready!

Kids fell for it.. So mission accomplished.. Try and tell a child it didnt happen.. then they goto school and ask a teacher.. guess who NOW looks like an idiot. See the issue here?

Found online original... here Canadian space agency mirror. This is the EDITED one STILL online with fake date stamp and obvious edits I show in video. Links are almost same place in video but you here the guy say, "looks the same but is really 2 different cameras.." in original.. when its NOT.. compare and share this please. YT has broke the rules. Truth will suffer now immensely! fuqtards!

@Gregg McKenzie 2 things did land. there is footage of them fro people who live around the area. Buuuut.. its not what we are sold! 40,000,000 lb rockets .. thats 20 tons, came from full free fall speed to a nice halt with this minimal effort "burst"? Nope.. Look at pictures after the landing.. clean and pristine landing area..leads me to believe these 2 objects are some sort of inflatables.. "shells".. Good vid and t/y

Quit being such a pussy and dig that shit up. capstone event no doubt

Sadly they will all turn on us soon .

My former brothers who will turn on us all on that day ...

Most of the witnesses don’t have Texas accent – so I guess this witnesses is ’people for hire’ from other states. Just like Sandy Hook – people in Connecticut had never seen this families before they saw them on TV.