
One thing that needs to be improved here is for the video not to blacken out when it is paused. Often I pause to try and get a better look at something/trying to catch a brief moment, but when it darkens I cannot do that. At youtube this doesn’t happen.

she wasn’t emotionally upset about a traumatic event she was freaking out because she was as convincing as a three dollar bill.

These People Are Of The Demon

All glory to our Lord, Jesus. I hope and pray he comes soon.

Fraudsters cant do it this well,hahaha!

oops, the crisis actor script was not correct? Oh dear, they will have to fire the scriptwriter. Also, the phony fake show film director needs to train his crisis actors better since this is one of their worst performances.

Here I am Anaconda. I follow since you are in JEWtube, sorry YouTube, this is fake. I reupload a video and JEWtuve removed it. Check it out

Thank You and God bless!

Yes in Deed! The only reason I can see it is I was Saved June 19th 1999. I didn’t want to get into this but I know God is telling me to share what I found.

this may have been a real event - you can tell because its no big deal and dead & buried

If half of what you found is true then I hope you know that Jesus is the only way out of this place. Knock, seek, find.

I like your vids dude.

Every time she hears a loud bang now, she is terrified ... ever since that day in the school, earlier that same morning

It was the thing that got me doing videos!

Check out my other videos! Many of the new ActWhores are from your States Governors Arts Academy

You do realize a tiny little book gave it’s life at this event. It was a truly selfless act. That book is a hero. Please stop demeaning trash, it has far more class than jootube.

Vegas was bad, Sutherland Springs was worse, but yeah, this takes the cake so far. YouTube is dead.😔

Remember Annika Dean?

That one went fast! WTF

Keep Up The Work Big Papa Truth.I Was Wondering About That Ky Shooting Because It Didn’t Get That All Day Coverage As Yesterday.I Am From Ky