
I’m so glad you’re here brother cheers!

phony fake show

Its actually better in this key.


salstar, who is Micheal Harvey Fair?

You’re not the only one, Jeffersonian Girl. It seems that everyone is blocked. The person might have his page completely private. I didn’t think that was possible.

The Sheriff and David Hogg must stop telling porkies. Florida has a wild pig problem. Across the state, there are at least a half a million of them.

I would not even waste any lead on these dipshits, you let me know when you are willing to be lead around by these clowns

Dave:s sis is cum drunk that is why she cant talk,

Peekay on 153news.What a huge leg up for 153. Welcome Peekay. (if it is you and not that faker kunt reddicki).rn

Wow! Fresh bread and good news is nothing to save on. Peekay is here – can you believe this man. I know that people have lobbying hard for this.

Shady Hook FTW... LOL Keep pushing the Bullshit kids. You brainwashed sheep.. I can see it now.. Hey kid, I’ll give you $500 if you read this script. You will also be on TV...

Hahahaha... I actually laughed my ass off before uploading this tripe.. LOL

Yo.. Check all way to the end.. The BS flying around? FFS! See what they promoting. mucho tacos and free pizza for all.. or maybe just spam.

This phucking nails it! To some coincidence theorists, the military connection, the smiling survivors, faux multiple shooters, David Hogg drilling lines and Scott Israel quoting 5:32 from the Koran "to save one life..." are all just a fluky accidents, but that perspective ignores undeniable evidence this event was staged for the agenda promptly rolled-out - gun control!

Idiot! lol.. I had to... Pricks... Make some noise ya old cancer ridden fkr! :)

Three of the best

ha! and show some "ball" earth at end..KIDS.. are the way to test whats good or bad.. they are humble to authority.

Great video. False flag no doubt about it! Earth is a globe, see:

If Beigel is alive and well, and his real name is Scott Beigel, how does he plan on living the rest of his life in secrecy? Surely people will occasionally recognize his name as a victim AND certainly he will look like the victim.