
I want to bust Hogg’s face wide open. Duck tape him to a surf board and let him travel over Niagara Falls.


God Bless Anaconda Malt Milkshake! A truth patriot!

shit ignorant pigs that need a whoopass

I found myself saluting throughout the video. You are quite a talent.

My brother managed to get 65,000 views of this video on Facebook. FB have just removed the video and the message he got from them basically accused him of racial discrimination! He has now got his third 30-day ban within the space of 4 months!!

Cheers. For the majority of the population, they could be singing and dancing and people would still believe it. Part of the fun must be to have all this evidence of fakery in the reports and then watch the sheople swallow it.

All these news crews KNOW better! Traitors EVERY LAST ONE.

$100,000 for proof of just ONE dead body. Come get it you sellout bitch. See for details.

These young Crisis-actors will reveal everything next time they get drunk.

David Hogg that skinny-chinned prick. 😂😂

It’s basically a flying toaster but it’s about a tenth as well made as your average toaster.

What truth?

Cheers. And yeah, fuck em.

You are good singer! Nice with the 153 splash all over it.


Its on David Hoggs YouTube channel

Love it! The fakest of fake shows.

Dont no who he was. But his Facebook has been removed since last night when I saw it.
