
Ha Ha ............................. Freudian slip at the .59 point . He says " you’re an actors " instead of saying " we aren’t actors " .

That was wonderful and what a lovely voice you have!

Pretty sad when you think how much money, resources and labor has been wasted creating these toxic piles that get launched into the oceans. Then of course we have to listen to how the oceans are dying and it’s our fault. They couldn’t have spent more than a couple hundred dollars making that pile of crap they claim landed on the moon. I mean really how much could foil, tin and construction paper cost in the 60’s.

" That’s a hand jive franchise " Lol

" Cannot we acknowledge in this country that we canNot accept this ? " ? Lol ha ha ha ha ha ha . What a stupid actor . Lol

Excellent. Hogg is weasel of epic proportions.

Niven, look, why do you do these type of posts? Seriously, are you here to discredit ST vid by this trannie crap?

Jootube guidelines - Bearing false witness to death ✔ , Charity fraud✔ , Fake news✔ , Censorship ✔ , Allowing trolls harassment and impersonating others accounts✔ . Free speech ✖ , Truth ✖ ,Anything against the mainstream narrative ✖ .

2 thumbs up!!!

A good chance his looks will change.

You shine in these type of vids. Good to document interviews.

Who did the overdubbing? That is not them singing.

This is her real voice did someone did in man’s voice in your vid? I don’t watch MTV.

more script reading. How fucking obvious can it be at this point?

Love it.

so despicable and bound to have a rude awakening. Is this him ... :)

They should be looked into for possible acting schools.

It hasn’t happened yet in all these events. Now if someone offered a lot more 💰 than they are getting paid, you might get someone to come out.