
if you could get ahold of a yearbook from the school from the previous year....

THE TRUTH IS MARCHING ON!!! and i’ll keep beating my drums!

Regarding Peekay Q&A 20/02/2018 and why the insider people don’t talk about it, recommend listen to this: About who is THEY that really rule us.

Has this been verified? I will compare pics. Have to be absolutely sure. Good job on post!

Exact this way should we handle all School Shootings – with a song and laugh, because they are jokes. All School Shootings are fake – ALL OF THEM!

But sometimes people alter real to make it fake when it is actually real. A ploy to confuse.

Who is Jim? Hendrix? Please no, lol. That’s alright. I like your non trannie vids btw.

Why? They are not trannies.

Will his nose disappear again? Oh how I hope so.

You had the govt created and funded Antifa and alt-right. You saw the manufactured divide to create herd mentality. Now with this shooting, you have created herd mentality by using high school kids organizing across the US to think this was real. Now you a have a big batch of conditioned high schoolers who go to college and then into their 20’s thinking all this is real. This was about guns sure, but the students organizing and protesting was the #1 reason for this staged event, imo.

Conspiracy theory video... Marco Rubio: Claiming some of the students on tv after #Parkland are actors is the work of a disgusting group of idiots with no sense of decency

Thanks Illusion Is Over! ‘We are KIDS — not actors. We are KIDS that have grown up in Parkland all of our lives. We are KIDS who feared for our lives while someone shot up our school. We are KIDS working to prevent this from happening again. WE ARE KIDS.’

Just seen this on news section of marketwatch ’’Conspiracy theory video about Florida shooting survivor rose to No. 1 on YouTube Trending’’.

It is them singing. I have lowered the pitch.

We live in a phony fake show

It is easy to spot Fake News. The CIA guy Anderson Cooper Vanderbilt interviews witnesses... If this guy is involved – then you know it’s a scam!

Right. She is not even singing. Probably the whole theme of video.

✔..allowing YTers to sell crap online to promote their channel.

....And Fox and MSNBC and CBS and BBC and CBC and on and on. That happens when 6 entities controlled 90% of the media, who in turn are controlled by one major entity.....

Trump is to blame. He is no different than Obama. They are both in on these events.