
This is beyond ridiculous maybe its like a litmus test to those who are going to wake up to this treachery or people who either won’t or just don’t care. Taking a video spouting scripted anti gun talking points is somehow normal behavior during a supposed shooting. Holy smokes!!


That’s great work . What a prick he is.

and don’t forget, removing entire Gmail accounts. ✔

Bawhahahaha... Love it. Thumbs up. Hip Hip Hooray. \0/

Good mirror !

Quesadillas are sort of a Mexican PIZZA, right?

If at first you do not succeed, try, try again!!!!

Jew Jew train. I can’t cope ha ha .

There is a conspiracy to hide the real truth from us. rn What is the real story? rn Many people doubt, for example, the official story about all the crap in the news

Awesome !

To Jeffersonian Girl. Good, don’t let them rest from this scam.

That’s ace !

I’m doing a video on that, and another dead guy that they claimed. The guy they claimed who it was isn’t who they claimed, the picture is a 2-bit stage actor from seattle, who’s still alive and pimping Satan! I just got distracted with all of this latest hoax. I’ll be doing a video on that, and the little party they threw for a train derailment!

Here’s the original video::

That neck beard is the least convincing of all of them.. LOL He’s trying too hard.

Looks like

God bless the good old USA. I found myself running for a McDonalds after that performance.

I made a post on your link.