
It’s being manufactured by a small group of bankers, jews, politicians, mixed with a whole bunch of satanists! I pray every night for his help, but he knew this was going to end up like this! A world full of lies

he’s a traitor! Sellout POS

I know it’s woke up more people, but will they stop and think harder about what else they’ve been duped about!?! From Sandy Hook to Vegas! They hate to think about how much they didn’t catch, and now have to rethink what they believed to be true.

thank you!

I love it brother cheers! 👍

I am really very upset about this world we live in . Please God help us all.

It is such a crime that all of the supposed news media giants won’t even investigate. they are complicit.

It is such a crime that all of the supposed news media giants won’t even investigate. they are complicit.

Great job my freind

Florida, home of the Phony, fake show.

My country, ’tis of thee,. Parkland degeneracy,. Of thee I sing;. Land where David Hogg Lied,. Land where the Jews reside,. From ev’ry mountainside. Let anaconda malt liquor ring!

ScrewTube have just removed this video from the Matrix Breakout 2 channel for bullying and harassment! WTF!

Hogg is a lying sack of Crisis acting shit...

I went to the various (many) sites you would normally go to in order to find a tribute to any one of the 17 supposed victims. Florida Tributes Obituaries doesn’t have a single one. I called Star of David cemetery, they have not buried anyone, but several sites say claim they were buried there. This has to stop. There has to be at least a few students willing to be anonymous and tell us, show us video of what really happened.

Great video.

But... does it make toast? lol...

Forgot the dollar general curtain rods. :/ You make a great point,, what a mess of BS to just drop in the water.. Think oceans are ok.. under control of He who made them..;)

just like that fake teacher from sandy hook who managed to fit 20 kids in a closet. Similar script different locations.

She keeps looking down to read her lines...smh

check Israeli records.