
the great deception. the media is anti-christ propaganda to usher in the beast.

Great Video JL. Rats crawling around everywhere. Millions of them, usually hidden and spreading disease!!! Occasionally they crawl out of their holes!!

I would love to slap the fuck out of tranny actor David hogg. What a p.o.s. he can’t even read a teleprompter without looking totally retarded and lost. What a sick attempt to address his role in this conspiracy , and the msm knows it. They keep pushing him in front of us. Keep exposing this ass hole.

It’s about waking people up to the transgender deception, which in my opinion is all part of the overall undoing of the creation of man and woman. I do not know any transgenders, so I have no grounds to dislike them personally. I dislike the deception behind it. Many of these trans gendered entertainment people are victims of the system. There is a big difference between trans-gendered and transvestites. When I use the term tranny I mean trans-gendered. I must admit Greg that it feels a little bit like being back on YouTube.

Again we disagree... Whitney looks like a woman to me! But may I ask, what is it you hope to achieve by outing those you guess to be tansgender? Your use of pejorative language i.e. ’Tranny’ is tame underhanded-needling, like calling a supporter of Green politics a ’Greenie’, so it’s glaringly apparent you personally don’t like transvestites, but I’m curious as to what motivates you to out them so evangelistically at all?

On a lighter note here is me getting my ribs broken against a 3 time pro cage fighter. Out of shape, overweight, but I come to a party to bang...or get banged on. rnEither way, theres gonna be a fight. ://

This is absolutally right. I tried 5 years ago to stand and fight and my brothers and sisters were to drugged up to fight. Fluoride, yellow 5’s, red 4 and 40’s. We dont have much of a chance. But unless justice is served, nothing will stop.

Would love to hear a body language expert’s opinions of these events...also an acting coaches.... Action action cut cut.. great vid.

GREAT!!! Thank you!

Cheers! Glad we agree here. We will have to disagree on the tranny agenda, but great to have some common ground.

Yes, to stops any discussion about the official version about the murder of JFK – I have it in the description box.

Great vid!And those lying scumbags are going straight to hell!

Wow! We have Gary King here!!! Nice video. + I love your JFK shows. I download everyone of them. Good that Fetzer in all show/podcast telling about Mona Alexis Pressley’s reachers that the victims in Las Vegas died in other states and died from different causes of death – I think this can wake up people. So keep repeating it! Mona Alexis Pressley – Conspiracy Realist: Nobody Died at Las Vegas Concert:

Sons n rats everywhere... In uk they stage... partly to let all the rescue services practice working together...then it goes live..... Haven’t seen so many Jews on a train since..ooh hang on..

Most obvious drag queen. So hilarious that people can’t see it. So easy to deceive. I bet if I threw on some fake titties and carried a fancy hand bag 90 % of biological women would defend me and tell everyone that I am a real woman. Pathetic.

The shrinkable Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis, professional gun control advocate but Francine and David Wheeler way out-do Ms Roig-DeBellis - Gun control!

Dunblane begat Sandy Hook begat Parkland! See:

I have ten dollars... Says....... I meet this "father" We talk... .. I promise,,, he will cry... hes a pos!

Spot on!!! Am sure can make some tears when a young man stand in front of them and speaks so truth . REALLY wanna see a young man stand up, here... know one? tell them!rn

I agree with Elvis (below), the two girls images you compare at 02:22 are not the same! This meme of asserting that different people are the same person based on just their general face shape or styling really kicked off with Dallasgoldbug, or Welaware1, a.k.a. Ed Chiarini. - he asserts that The British Queen Elizabeth is actually Lucille Ball, and that David Icke is Richard Branson - hah! There are techniques however, to empirically compare people’s faces - the so-called immutable teeth/eye ratio e.g.