
Ooops, it was typo. Fixed. Thanks.

you had me tears jewrassic with that heartfelt tribute.

haha nice. at least we are learning how they work.

I never really noticed the names. Interesting. Remember Wells Fargo got caught last year with 3 million fake accounts. Wanna bet some of those are set-up for those involved in these events to include payoffs for 9/11....

The only victims of columbine are those who donated money to the go fraud me accounts and those who believe it was real.

We have to break the sheep’s faith in government. Just because they wear suits and ties does not make them authority. It’s probably part of the construct of education that if you have a degree then you are more worthy of trust, and associating the suit/tie with power and success. The mason construct of degrees and hierarchy is pervasive in society and those esteemed positions are only held by trannie freemasons. Like these two douches in the vid ,doing what they do best, inverting reality that they are for the people and using symbols to embed the programming. A suit/tie has no other meaning and purpose but to hide the tranny.

Father Like Son Messing Up In Interviews.

yeah we don’t have a date for the ’this weeks winner’ girl.

Great vids.

Your 100% right! I see the same names over and over on the gofraudme site. They will do anything to pull one over on the sheep! Thx for watching

At least your guitar has one thing in common with Christine’s. Neither have been to space!

I think most of the GoFundMe donations are not from regular people but fake accounts with fed 💰. Just like the supposed $800k inheritance Cruz is to receive at 22 yrs old. The mother didn’t leave a will, lol. In essence, that $800k is fed pay-off money to go to victim’s families in future court cases. This avoids a govt. paper trail. Genius when you think about it.

She did find that especially entertaining

More info plz.! The ’this weeks winner’ girl pictured on the right pictured in February 2018 appears considerably younger than the Cara Loughran to the left, yet you’re flagging the girl in the image to the left as younger? - is that correct? This image reveals she’s definitely older that ’this weeks prize winner’.

WACO was a fake. I found that out after thousands of hours of research and before anyone was talking about "fake shootings".

It was only when she started to talk about the blood that her smile grew more brightly

She looks a lot like the teacher in the school shooting in Florida?!?

Now this one’s personal ’cause I own that exact same model of guitar - Larrivee Parlour P01 - It may be 3/4 sized but it does NOT tune up one octave! - you have the AUDACITY to do that!

Matrix, if I may call you by your first name, thanks for your explanation! I think your response flows better read back to front, QUOTE: "I must admit Greg [sic] that it feels a little bit like being back on YouTube. When I use the term tranny I mean trans-gendered. There is a big difference between trans-gendered and transvestites. Many of these trans gendered entertainment people are victims of the system. I do not know any transgenders, so I have no grounds to dislike them personally. I dislike the deception behind it.It’s about waking people up to the transgender deception, which in my opinion is all part of the overall undoing of the creation of man and woman. ", and if I can paraphrase your words and make them more meaningful BACKWARDS, what of the rest of your opinion?

I’ll thank you again here for removing ’JEW’ from your video title ’JEWping delight’ last week - it really was quite unnecessary, but I’ll add that if your handle on ’trannies’ is a deep and complex as above, I also have to ask what’s the thang with your ’JEWping delight’ pun last week? Raising the awareness of those naive to the facts of Zionist control of banks, media and social engineering won’t be achieved by using the pejorative language you and mateyboy ’JEWrassic Liars’ choose! He calls Jewish folk ’vile rats’, which and with your rabid tranny-sleuthing, can only work to thoroughly repel curious newcomers to 153!