
...AND, what a beautiful ad for 153news. I love it. I’m trying to remember which bible verse it’s from. I seem to remember reading that somewhere...

He doesn’t drop his gun, he puts it down on the ground, so the gun is out of the way when he does the rolling fall. Anybody who has practiced martial arts knows how to fall safely like this.

...and the choice of song is awesome!

Oops, I guess hit add, accidentally, before I finished my other thought. The title. Did you misspell ’Stoneman’ on purpose or is it just a typo? Thanks for everything, aml.

You have a really nice singing voice! I’m always impressed.

I bet she gives good head

American media. It’ not your grandfather’s Fourth Estate. It’s a Fifth Column.

Hogg is a p.o.s. but not a tranny. This is the third time you have pulled this tranny shit commenting on a video. Your intentions are obvious.

Dummies out there need to the understand that Trump Jr is part of this shooting charade. The whole ideas of Hogg having a FAKE FBI father (imo) is to promote the diversionary tactics of Trump jr. It brings in a false political narrative. The mythical left vs right scenario. All to give the public something to growl about to side step a staged event. Yet idiots on both sides out there defend Trump and Obama as if they are not involved in these staged events. Trump=Obama in regards to staged events. And I hate Pooper Anderson.

Let the truth march brother! Well done, well done. The family beat the snot out of this hoax. With every hoax this place gets a bit more exciting! We don’t give strikes here, only home runs!

So...we got to skip the active shooter drill because we had a real active shooter. Training Pay and Hazardous Duty Pay....for the same hours. Bonus!

I hate Tucker, Sean, Anderson. They give good white people a bad name.

That’s why he is concentrating so hard!!! lol!!! That made me laugh a lot. Thanks.

Dumbing down children is expensive. That’s the only message I got from this dookie muncher.

From the title I thought maybe it was real rats.

Media are the terrorists.

Good choice on music. She is reading a cue card. She is not bright. Tucker is playing with himself.

They should have done a full on Sissy Spacek number with these two. Cover ’em with a full bucket of blood.

Florida! You suck! Pulse Orlando and now this pathetic attempt at fear porn. My God, some self respect and produce a psy-opera an American can be proud of. This third world shit hole caliber stuff has to end.

Haha! I thought they inhaled helium on set but then I read the description..