
Very clever backward take.

I agree . Obvious to us but we someone who actually does this for a living to get their findings mainstream which I can’t see happening. So for now I think we all need to keep showing our friends and family these media clips and reports to wake them up to the reality of what’s really going on. Little by little it works. I’ve already got a few thinking and looking at hoax events differently to what they normally would be spoon fed.

Honestly who is going to say sorry or honestly while giving an interview after an event like that was alleged to be.

nice..LOL..hose face!!

lol.. need to be high to buy this horsesh!t!

Dunno bout hell.. but def gonna have to stand up at the point of reckoning and answer... then maybe a nice dip in some fire.! T/y for polite nice comment man.. :)

head down and forward.. we find new brothers and sister who can stand up... they.. are everywhere..rnThe dope, booze is a thing that makes people NOT be all they can be... TVOR we just do best as we can man. Peace

What is this "youtube" you speak ok... PMSL!

ya song was savage ahaha salute to you man ! Thirty three lol

T/y for comment but as TheTruthIsSweet stated...some proof ..? Also matters way or other.. this "guy" is a just full of sht!.

Good point.. Also.. we should look further at this and DO NOT.. forget Kushner.. this fkstik will be certain to be a player hidden! rnlol @ pooper.. yea.. well.. uhh.. yea.. pooper! :)rn

Right.... think that dead cold corpse has been dead for a very long time!


The only thing that died in the school shooting in Parkland, Florida – was the trust in the Government.

Woudln’t zero gravity effect sound? NASA LIES!

Nice work. MSM on there heels!!! David Hogg is a crisis actor!!! Get them Big Popa. Earth is flat

Nice one cheers

It’s so beautiful, that I want to cry. What a nice song you done for them.

Great comment. Thank you!!

Gr3at tribut3. You didn’t say "Jew butt -pluggers", I commend your restraint. Also noticed your name has the Jew and the Ass in it. Oh and David Hogg has a pig in its name, and it is said in the bible that the demon spirits inhabit the body of pigs, and/or the Unclean. You believe this shit?