
Thanks sizzorfite ! It is hard to stomach so much bad acting in such a small space ...

Thanks and yes everything but a full confession , to those of who know , you are right on , it is obvious !

Right on guys , we will never let this rest !

Thank God for men like you brother Bill cause together we are going to bury these lying threatening cocksuckers !

what a dirtbag treasonous scum .. can’t wait until scumbags like this hang

looks like ’’ hit team ’’ making their get away in the last few seconds here? drill team for sure

I agree controlled opposition smh only Jews can talk to Jews on tv or videos it’s all b.s.

This all an act. First all all there was no 17 victims based upon all the given evidence. Second these are both jewish shills playing theater. ’Deutch was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, the son of Jean (née Mindlin) and the late Bernard Deutch. His grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Belarus, Russia.’ Loomer is a plant and a con artist.

If anyone knows much on Laura.. please comment. Thanx

Thanks Bro! Yup I seen that. Just like sandy hook. Did you see all the houses I discovered on the map that they don’t show in 3D?

Awesome Thanks Bro!

No doubt lol, I think I’m really on to them using the same gym in the basketball games online. They are not real high school gyms. It’s a practice gym. These schools are supposed to be rich and huge. But they all have one row of bleachers and no upper decks.

Thank you Buddy

Comedy Central

No doubt! Thanks Bro

Good point!

who’s the moron with the down vote?


ALYSS CHRISTIE just disqualified fro the winter Olympics AGAIN I wonder why. AL YSS CHRIST IE

I was a subscriber at that other place, and I’m a subscriber here. AML, I’ll follow you all over the innertubes. This was too funny. Pfffftt indeed!