
33 on the shirt, hoax code.

Jeremy "Finkinbinder" ... put a fink in a bind, bind up a fink ... at the synagogue.

The girl on the right is presenting with FLAT AFFECT, she is emotionless except for the glimmer of a little smile playing on her lips every now and then. If this person would have really experienced a shooting where she knew people who died, especially so soon after, her flat affect would indicate severe mental illness, like autism spectrum disorder, 7 out of 10.

Both of the girls are stiff and rigid, they are presenting with flat affect at first, and then the girl starts poking into her eyes , but ... she’s NOT SNIFFLING ! Hormones are released, they are REQUIRED for the body to produce the tears and they cause a lot of mucus to be produced. You CANNOT cry real tears without sniffling and mucus production, it is not humanly possible especially in young people who are at that time in their lives producing a maximum hormone load overall and respond with extremely strong hormone spikes to stress.

For this individual to present with NO TEARS, NO SNIFFLING, no hormonal indications of grief is NOT possible. The siblings or family members to his side have no indications of hormonal responses to grief, cyring, sobbing, etc ... this is fake and it is simply poor acting.

Samantha Grady at 10:15 is also presenting with "FLAT AFFECT" as if she is on extremely powerful medications but she’s not.rnrnShe recounts that her best friend was murdered right next to her but NO TEARS, NO SNIFFLING, she GIGGLES when she says she is ok. Poor acting. Her eye makeup, her mascara is perfect and un-smeared. For a person to present with flat affect after seeing their best friend brutally murdered right next to them indicates extreme mental disorder and mental illness, but she’s not, she’s just acting.

10:02, classic duping delight, he’s lying, he’s loving the fact that he has so many adults in positions of power that are supporting the hoax and his lies, he’s HAPPY to be a part of the gang and happy to be getting away with the hoax. He’ll be smiling tonight with his "bro children" after he steals some beer out of his parent’s garage refrigerator.

The girl at 6:10 is presenting with "FLAT AFFECT". Battle hardened veterans, especially when recounting bloody firefights where they have been shot, present with EMOTION, self touch, hand wringing, speech cadence stress. They have difficulty maintaining eye contact. She’s fluid, solid contact with what is surely a prepared speech and talking points. she’s Trump bashing, with what looks to be a makeup augmented set of facial injuries. $1,000,000 cash for a medically assisted black eye?

At 4:14 the Jew dad refers to his "dead" daughter in the...PRESENT TENSE!!


Nice vid! I agree 100%! See also: SMOKING GUN: Crisis Actor, David Hogg, says Florida school shooting started at 9:32am that day, almost 4 hours BEFORE the actual “shooting” took place!!! ..

CW WADE is not taking into consideration the level of criminality that is being perpetrated to the detriment of all citizens left and right and the in between. The seriousness of this type of assault from the perpetrators is on the level of treason. At the very top from where the decisions to plan, orchestrate, and carry out such a deception I would believe a penalty of death for the guilty would be warranted. The injured are the deceived citizens and the injuries are real and excruciatingly painful. This fantastically heinous illusion is no doubt being carried out by a governmental entity with an agenda. The Smith-Mundt Act was repealed in 2013 and the ndaa passed a new law allowing propaganda campaigns to target Americans.

Damn crisis actors ! Love it !

"Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position, but certainty is an absurd one." -- Voltaire. I cannot be certain of the shape of our world.... All my childhood and adult life (going to 60 on my next birth day), I never questioned it. I was like "Flat Earth? Ha-ha-ha-ha!" THEN, JUST A MONTH AGO I began logging on to FlightAware to check on chemtrailing commercial aircraft, and to familiarize myself with routes and ALs that fly over me. I noticed the flight paths.... I wasn’t looking for this, but now that I’ve seen it I cannot unsee it. I was shaken to my shoes. And THAT is how I fell down this rabbit hole!

Good duping delight too.

Apart from that, he hit all the correct talking points without giving any details and he was sure to call for gun control. 8/10. You have a potential career in crisis acting if you’re prepared to not put in the effort. Good show.👍😂rn

Lil BossMan! Just like on the TV.😎👍 Although, constructive criticism, he forgot to wipe away those ’tears’. He doesn’t have to actually cry, but he must in future interviews to wipe a finger along the bottom of eye so that the audience can tell that he is crying. How else are they supposed to know if you don’t wipe a finger along the bottom of the eye.

He just talks super fast. That was 1 single camera session right off the top of the dome. short that’s exactly what happened if you think about it.

He was much more convincing than David Hogg. In fact real good acting, I think your son has talent. It was more realistic that he talk so fast, In a real scenario people do that. But not at fake shootings because the public must hear the Gun Grab Speech clearly. Good Acting both of you.