
You couldn’t have picked a person with more bona fides than Wolfgang Halbig to spread doubt about. Do you distrust Dr Tracy too? Have you spent your own time and money in court to prove that Sandy Hook was a lie? Has Lenny sued you and been too afraid to show up at his own court case? Have you had State Troopers show up at your door to threaten you? I could go on for another day or two. You are barking up the wrong tree here. I’d be very interested in hearing the specific reasons that you don’t trust one of the only people who has put his money where his mouth is on this. Personally, I trust him completely. He doesn’t just talk. He acts,and has ruined his health doing it. You are wrong.

All filthy lying demons are and just like the turd with teeth Michael Williamodell Reszneki 2119 Michigan Avenue (unit b in the rear just like he likes it) Los Angeles California 90033 .

That’s for sure !

I also have serious questions when it comes to the whole Sandy Hook show and all the previous players . Their time will come ...

Hell yes , bury this fuck !

They have been doing this to the reward for years , all lies from a filthy demon beast .

Haha nobody on this site thinks Alex jones or info-whores has any validity to anything that comes out of his Zionist cum dumpster. What a joke

Yes they are and these idiots are in panic mode !

Yep and Conspiracy Granny fooled the idiot into promoting the reward without even looking at it in detail first .

That is what Sandy Hook Facts has always done . They make outright claims they have provided evidence such as school records of Noah Pozner to me but will not show the evidence of this communication . If they document everything as they claim then where is this so-called evidence now ?

It’s ok there just mad they can’t troll me don’t give them any attention it’s what they want.

He’s from Rhode Island. You can’t fake that accent!

Yes you are so right!

The one on the right smiled at the end when she realized she couldn’t get the fake cry out

Watch the 20 first seconds. Strange – Wolfgang Halbig shows 3 duping delight in only 20 seconds.rnThe only thing we can know for sure, are that we don’t can know anything for sure. – Sandy Hook Firehouse Looking For Answers:

Wiping away the tears that just aren’t there

Wow I seriously thought the same thing.. Fake on fake

when jerry gos off bull all the way you are trung jerrys words around your not talking about what jerrys talking about your busted this is all lies out your mouth as you turn jerrys words around

I bet shoyer didn’t want to touch on crisis acting what a shill piece of shit. They had no choice videos of hogg were going viral, and a lot of people began raising questions.

People are always so happy in these events.. Just another indicator of how sound asleep the world is