
Hilarious subbed

We must shut down all these indoctrination centers. Ban schools now, we can easily prevent all these gerbil killings. Ban schools now. Gerbil lives matter.

Thanks Jarrett , together we stand !

So do we !

No doubt just like Alex Jones , they are attempting to lump us all in one basket for the sheep to attack .

Right on !

Yes sir all owns by the same demons .

Thanks brother and yes they seem to think they run the show when we know better ...

The First Baptist church is located behind us back down the same road . It looked to be the "crash" scene to the right lit up in the background of this footage .

This i the right way to handle this hoaxes. They are jokes, and the should be treated like that. Nice with the same initials hoax code – Ahkned Ali Hussain. And perfect with the kid ’in classical crisis actor style’ wiping away NO tears. I guess that Side Thorn’s money remains in the Bank if he puts up this school shooting too on his $100,000 dollar reward list.

I was focusing on the first photos of the ’dead’ students. ’Gina Montalto’ was featured wearing a St. Partick’s Day hat, and ’Peter Wang’ was shown in a Mickey Mouse hoodie...these photos have been rather buried since, particularly the grinning girl in green hat. and location??? Yes, Ole is awesome -- I learn a lot from him.

Got to share this that was great

Poor Mr fluffskers.... I stand with gerbils,,, Eerf Nosam STRONG!

You can bet they will have one in LA soon though! They just postponed it!

I think they got cold feet. I didn’t catch any other symbolism earlier, but I wish I had. When I found they "thwarted" this LA Shooting when I was halfway done making this, I figured I might as well finish it and show all the documentation.

He’s a piece of shit!! Love the video!! Crisis actors are trash!!

I set up a thread. Hopefully no one reads the comments, lol.

Yes, Emergency is 33 in Hebrew numerology.

Mr. Fluffers is a crisis gerbil. Be careful.

I’m sending Side Thorn to investigate this tragedy! oh the horror, our thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. Fluffer and his family!