
Bawhahahaha... Tony Puss sleazy...

AML. You are so nice guy – this d*ck heads that attacking you on YT don’t deserve your attention or your time. Truthers must stick together – avoid infighting. Madness – Fighting against each other, when it is the guys at top of the food chain that is the problem.

Samantha was in Holocaust class? Okie dokie lol.

Here The Corruption was investigaed back in 2014

I would have to see Dead bodies to believe it .. Now 9-11 your favorite Government killed 3,000 people on that day and covered it up

These people are all sell outs and evil to the core!

Sorry you had to deal with that real traumatic incident, sounds horrible. Real life versus fake life. As you say, this doesn’t add up. I think part of the fun/sport of staging these incidents is to watch the sheople swallow the crap, hook, line and sinker, time after time after time. I was reading some of the comments on the original 666 (FOX) lies video. rn Had to stop because I could feel my head was about to explode. People were piling out sympathy, sorry and condolences.

Sure is! Cheers!

I have seen references to this Alexa Miednik. I thought this was fake on fake, if you know what I mean. It didn’t add up when you consider the main story line. Also in the video she is over-doing the laughing and smiling.


I just love how these teenagers refer to their peers/classmates as "children" (9:45). Bad script writing. I never did that when I was a teen or younger.

Yep, yep, yep. Entertainment, News Agency or Government!

Wow these people are brain dead demons

Ah we meet again RussianVids!

Wow utube is scum!!!! The work for deepstate

Let the truth be told!!! All liars will burn

Why not use YT absolutely as much as possible as a bridge to new free speech platform videos? Just post a preview introductory vid on YT, with emphasis of free speech and positive values, inviting people to click on a link over to see the full uncensored video, posted on the free speech platform. Be subtle enough to avoid a false spamming charge. YT can’t go as far as to block all links to any other platform, without seeming as Orwellian as they really are. We need to exploit that gray area as much as possible --- to reach the mass audience on YT and to bring them over to the new free speech platforms.

The guy in the red cap called cpl Jeremy Finkenbinder is in control of the situation.. Dont panic .

Fake helicopter sounds for sound effects?

Love it!!! Lol!!!