
It’s called The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012. The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 passed Congress as part of the NDAA 2013 on December 28, 2012. The act was added to the 2013 NDAA bill as section of 1078 to amend certain passages of Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987.

Jesus Campos - Biggus Dickus!

He don’t even remember were here daughter is buried. Very convincing acting – NOT!

Soz., this is childish nonsense!

Reszneki is their #1 troll. Just had 12 channels suspended at the same time. Is that a record I wonder?

Alex Jones gatekeeper and government shills connected. CW Wade works for the same entity.

Missed that. You are right. I think she was really struggling to hold back a smile when her sister was over-acting. If you had shared the same experience with you sibling, you would naturally try and comfort them or breakdown yourself. She did neither.

I think we should also have a "Worst Green Screen Award" for these events too. Maybe it’s about time we had a proper annual crisis actor awards with plenty of different categories?

Great comment. Thanks.

Excellent observations. Thank you.

That’s great. Happy to see Peekay and Robin again.

My favorite CA of all time!

So awful that they are using kids to push this agenda.

Subcribe to NowTheTruthTV 24 Yep, 24th channel. And if that’s gone just add a number or two. LOL

Pause when you need to. Move your cursor away from the video to read (doesn’t work in full screen). This channel researched every single "death" in the phony, fake Las Fakeass shooting and found a BOATLOAD of anomalies every time. The "dead" where actually dead but they died in other states or at other times (some did die in Vegas but not at the concert). They recruited a lot of medical people that I suspect were facing FEDERAL charges of Medicare fraud. Yep, that’ll do it every time. LOL. Same shit different HOAX. ARMY PSYOP DIVISION was involved in the Florida hoax. ROTC. Nuff said.

It’s not possible for us. They are twelve steps ahead of us and have unlimited funding and connections. These are also military psyops. ARMY and Air Force Psyop Divisions are for sure involved here. IDK...but I think Jade Helm never actually ended. Look up the logo for Jade Helm. Then pray. We can’t stop them. But I know someone who will. He’ll be here shortly. Maybe not as soon as we would like, but he will be here soon enough. Stop worrying about this world and start thinking about the next world. The real world...our real home. That’s what is important. This world is done. Stick a fork in it.

Well said

Great video

Please say you have more videos this is very informative and interesting I am with you on every level this is definitely the funniest acting I have ever saw, please say you have more 😀😁😵

I think she meant to infer that it was an odd looking rifle, it was of a type that looked very foreign to her, i.e., smoke grenade launcher, breaching charge shotgun, other specialty crisis enactment arms or just a fake crisis drill arm. If she truly were only grazed with a bullet she would have a HUGE black and blue bruise there as well. The shockwave on a bullet traveling at 3 times the speed of sound DOES NOT CUT YOU, it causes blunt force trauma. If the bullet actually grazed her causing a laceration she would have a HUGE bruise as well from the shock wave in front of and around the bullet.