
The Earth is a globe... gravity simply bends light! Here’s a concise explanation:

Look closely at the school name ;)

That’s no dummy, it’s Manny Kin. 2nd cousin of Cris Isactor. He just moved to the area 33 days ago. Unfortunately he expired 33 minutes and 33seconds after being wheelbarrowed to the hospital. There wasn’t enough room in the stolen truck for him.

Now I also notice the HOAX CODE – the reporters name Leon Letts (same initials). The whole sequence is flooded with hoax codes. And the orange background for the reporter’s name. What a nice JOKUMENTARY, much better than CNN Mocking News Reports.

freemasons seem to be all up in this false flags. Did you catch ty thompson’s comment about holding all 3300 of his students. putting it in our faces for those who are awake to their involvement.

Some of us are trying to survive this sea of total morons, and now they want to take our guns over a staged event. Ban psy ops.

You are so good to notice details. Good catch – again! I think the guy check that the dummy sitting in a way that it don’t fall from the chair. + I hope you don’t get a strike for bullying and harassment a dummy.

Good Catch!

Death2Life Sucker Punched this hoax

The carnage is obvious, the blood is everywhere. Can’t believe nobody had to be saved from drowning in it, the hoggshit that is.

LOL..Good find.

we need to turn the tide. Scumbags like him are a disgrace to america.

check out death2life’s video showing what looks like a dummy with fake blood. Look around the class room no blood no casings no bullet holes/marks. This is total garbage.

Sorry but fuk obama

The truth sets you free!!alota popes were evil the ones who were good got killed jesuits been in play a long time!! Demonic possession you ask me

The postus has babbled on again. Mumbling Asinine Garbage Again.

I don’t make these videos, I only mirror them. However, I have done genealogy research before and I know how to locate people and look for records. This info is accurate. If you go to my other video on Beigel, they issued a very odd picture which was the photo of ANOTHER scott beigel who lived in California. They stole his picture, chopped off his head and pasted it onto that odd looking and old photo that I show in my video. I don’t show the original pic that they stole, cause my guess is that guy was an innocent victim.

They modify the MSM pictures and/or use much younger pics of who they claim. There is a Columbine victim they claimed was a teacher, and he was using the exact same name, and looked exactly the same way he did when they showed him in the victim photos, and he was tweeting about gun control up until a couple years ago when he was exposed and then he stopped tweeting all together! he’s gone offfline, but if he pops up again I’ll expose him.

I remember this! It was hilarious!

Beautiful! ’I took that oath twice, brother.’ Thanks so much for the great work you, Side Thorn and Conspiracy Granny, do. Only thing worse than perceived authorities continuing to inflict emotional trauma on a trusting public is the incredible indifference, plus lack of critical thinking skills from the public themselves. So gullible. Again, thank you Side Thorn and CG. (TY too gwo4life for heads up on possible Mar 2-4 time-frame. Very helpful)