
The tragedy and the HORROR! There’s only one way to stop the carnage. AR-15’s and bullet proof vests for everyone! ....including gerbils

Look close at the 1:03 mark. The rag with fake blood falls off her foot and there’s no damage to said foot.. LOL

If you want to discredit one of the hardest working people in this Wake-up-people-genre. Please do it on YT, not here. He never said that people died in LV, he said that he don’t know. And he was wrong about the hybrid theory. This was a short time after the bogus Las Vegas event – so he could not scream NO ONE DIE – seconds after the TV anchor put out the news. He has watch my video Everything’s a lie, and that’s the truth! – were I show that no one died – and guess what? He like the video.

Of course – he is the patsy. Them must always have one.

I’m from belfast..the numerology stuff can get a bet overwhelming....but i know both sides work for the nwo

Ole Dammegard is a very popular, talented and handsome ILLUMINATI SHILL who calls HOAXES "hybrid events" and charges $500+ to download his "research files".

The kid was good. I only spot two mistake. 1) Never do a shoulder shrug – it indicate that you lie or are not comfortable with the situation. 2) The duping delight in the end. It was very good for a first time crisis actor. You beat the acting skills of David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, Christine Leinonen, Norman Casiano, Gene Rosen, Robbie Parker and David Wheeler. Boss Junior! You beat them with horse lengths!!!

Michael Reszneki is a disgusting demon who should be hung for treason,

Fuck Reszneki ! Thanks for sharing Sandy !

Thanks so much we will check it out right now !

Just to let you and the Granny Know There Was a video Made Of A AD Wanting Crisis Actors For The March 2 -4 In Houston Texas.Just Giving You A Heads Up.I Don’t know for sure if it will happen But Was out there going to pay $1,000.00

Is she a naturalized Citizen? Or, perhaps working toward or working off getting herself and family members citizenship?

Jeffersonian Girl: Fluffers had six kids just last month. Many Fluffer family members out there

What about the kids in the closet ! rn Was the Hogg Boy really a mentally ill student/ crisis actor !

Hey, you pissed me off once or more but this is top!

My family took in Ahkned. (once again title did not take.)

don’t forget louisiana

Lesson one, change in length and position of shadow during the day....

Tony Montana was He in a 1983 film called Scarface !

I stand with gerbils