
I didn’t know what to do when your channel was no longer available on YouTube. Then I remembered you had mentioned a different site. Took me a while to figure it out with Google. It was almost as if the information was intentionally being withheld or censored

Wow is that a real dummy! You will be telling us they used pigs blood next.


I used the RAT word. A replacement for the three letter word beginning with ’J’. So probably ’yes’ is the answer to your question.

’3300 of his students’. I notice that.

Are you blind. ITS FREE MASON BACKWARDS /facepalm

Very nice! Hilarious still laughing

Watch when Pete Santilli has Jim Fetzer on the show – It was a Setup. Same question over and over again.

Just noticed Mar 4 hiv/aids walk for the lbgt

I guess you mean the Manchester Arena ’bombing’: ellen, Ellen, Ellen!

He crossed the border. Very well handled. After this, he knows it can be consequences if he messing with you. Most times he gets away with it. But not this time.

Eerf – Double ’EE’ hoax code.

Nosam (NoSam) – maybe a reference to Sam Hyde – the fake patsy in all fake shootings. ’Sam Hyde can’t keep getting away with it’.

Using the following formula for deflection of light by gravitational lensing: theta = 4GM/rc. Light passing tangentially to Earth’s surface should be deflected by 0.16 millionths of a degree by gravity. Come on Greg, you are going to do a lot better than that. Tangents to the BALL Earth’s surface change their angle by 1 degree relative to the stating tangent every 69.1 miles. For 20 miles the angle is approximately 0.3 degrees. So what you are saying is utter garbage!!!

Hey mate interesting observation sure looks like a dummy when I first saw this footage I was wondering why the ’student’ was going over there in the first place and not getting the hell out of there. Cheers.

F’n DS ! ROFL !

That’s a new one! Bends it perfectly around the curve. Usually get refraction as an explanation!

Yup, all the weapons used to fire blank charges, and breaching charges to break windows, they’re all in that bag because that’s one BIG STRONG with assistance from another struggling to lift the bag into the back of the truck, and he’s walking with small, labored steps. I think that bag weighs at least 150 lbs. Could be a "crisis dummy", they are of life like weight and size.

Good work looking at the Shadows, the sun gives crisp shadows to study, easy to tell the time of day with two co-located points touching any shadow referencing the sun shadow applet or just doing the math based on vector analysis. I haven’t done any serious work but obviously we are seeing mixed footage, and if there is helicopter footage from early in the day as well as late in the day, well then you know, it’s a hoax.

Awesome awsome awsome . The typical police officer that has a little bit of authority and tries to push it the wrong way . But it’s amazing how a grown ass man can put his cowardly tail between his legs so fast and change his tune . The typical officer that probably goes home and and isn’t aloud to speak until spoken to by his wife . Every word you used was to the point and pretty much gave him a taste of reality and I can assure he will think twice before his chubby ass comes at some one again like that . It’s good to see you talk the talk and walk that walk , most don’t and can’t .