
The answer is easy. Nikolas Cruz was the name they give the patsy when they have a drill in the morning. They screw up over and over again – and people still believes this shit.

2.52 – It’s very important to give a precise time. Great catch!

Sour_Diesel. I guess I must watch more of JL’s videos – he always find ass, ano, ram and man backwards i names.

Nice! 110% empirical proof the guy is lying!

Oink oink Goy

I guess his performance takes him to the first place in the Crisis Actors Reward next week.

Dont worry Goy, with Sheriff Shlomo in charge your guaranteed to get the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me Yahweh !

2018 10,000 new trolls + Ratboy

I want them all to do something . Stop telling lies .

No doubt a simple observation on youtube would be a strike. Cant possibly let the sheep think for themselves. These people would all be hung and documented well.

The family put some real lead into this story. You guys are all top shelf.

This is why protecting the eyes of voices are important. Losing AML would have been a huge loss to the world and the war we are in.

haha...sick world we live in when these are the jokes that make us laugh.

Alan is the squirrel joke they took it from.

You know...I thought I saw one the other day on this hoax but I lost it. When they are all outside working on some kids by the street, the far back one looked like a dummy. Good find AML.

Sour_Diesel got it. Nobody I showed got it either. :)

The director gave us ’hoax’ schwagg. Mic includes. They said along with a lifetime paycheck, the clothes and set gear was all ours. They said in the future all stage props and clothes would be worth alot. What nobody has mentioned which I thought was odd, was the school name. The entire skit inckuding a 3:30 time stamp is done better than the best AI. We got 33’s everywhere, 66’s everywhere, and name codes everywhere. Took 5 minutes to write. After all these years its like fighting fire with fire.

You are probably correct! She spends most of the time looking left.

Thanks for watching, but if I am upsetting you, then you might be best avoiding my videos. Just a thought.

She’s buried back there.......WTF?