
Bastard indeed...

What’s the URL to Mr Fluffers gofundme page? I am ready to send 500.00 bucks! This is a sad day indeed. I think we also ought to make a community decision on whether or not to outlaw fake microphones. [Selah]rnrncheers-rnphil :)

Where can I get one of those microphones? 😂 classic.

What woman that age wears a batman shirt?

yeah they are working overtime to enact a massive power grab. That girl was actually wounded at parkland though (as you will see in my video) cruz in possession of an ar modified assault hippo hit her repeatedly with hippo shit. Shrapnel or more appropriately shardnel injuries were sustained. It was relayed to me by my cousin’s niece pilates instructor and part time cia sleeper asset. Needless to say there is a reason for the 26 minuted cctv footage delay. Anyone seeing it will both cry and barf simultaneously while demanding ACTION now.

I am lost. What does 33 mean exactly?

Something about that guy REALLY BOTHERS me.

that fake crying is as good as that guy form the train bomb hoax, "alan alan"...

You can say what you want about Pete. But your expose’ on Pete is filled with half truths also. The claim that Hogg was from Cali had some basis but as far as I can tell has been debunked as false info. As far as the ”protester” he called out as FBI was later proved to be correct. I’d you are going to call others out, you may want to be accurate yourself.

The advocation of violence towards members of the public is dishonorable. That being said.... Hogg and CNN are full of sh!T Jerry is an asswipe.

your video teacher describes cop as shooter just got linked by SaneProgressive ontwitter. She has a pretty substantial following so congratulations much deserved recognition. She seems to be doing some solid coverage on this and is waking up the normies since LV.

They were out almost immediately! I think they bussed in a lot of these people! NONE of the people have any internet social media, outside of 2 or 3 and those people are not from around there. They tried to cover up everyone’s past, but if you dig deep enough on some of them you can figure out they are not from Parkland or have a shady background.

exactly! That was as fake as the Inside Edition interview with the ridiculous black eye student, with black eye shadow caked on and pretending it was a real black-eye. She should have used lipstick cause it wouldn’t have flaked off every time she crinkled her eye and made her skin crease at the duct of her eyes! Then the stupid sticker that they claimed were stitches, had no redness and was open way too much if it was stitches.

Dont email me Google works for satan use bing

Look up season for treason II ...its a fact look up act of 1871 we are under the crown of England. ..all police work for the crown we are slaves and have been for a long time. Sad we went to school but were tought all lies !!look up operations paper clip ....Nazi to NASA spread this info share some one make videos post themthem the pope owns you if you have a birth certificate dont register to vote that inslaves you dont trust me or anyone!!! Look it up school wont tell you this

Yep! You know the lies they weave!

All you’re watching is a puppet show. Yeah the whole worlds a stage.

Scary. A disarming based on a totally fabricated event where no one died. And through this they can justify the confiscation of weapons.And the youths applauding in the streets. Totally brainwashed. There is no hope for them. The only wounded I have seen is the girl with one blue eye – looks super fejk.

Good point on the dummy, looks like his head has been blown off, or shrunken!

Hey, really glad you caught the live stream! I guess you have no account on YT anymore?