
Yet the Pig Boy is allowed to say and preach whatever He wants.

This lying bitch is going for her Acedemy Award hard! She needs put down, just like a suffering animal. How could someone be so damn stupid!

I bet you anything crap like this comes from that Crisis Simulation company.

How did you get strike on this site I thought it was supposed to be different.

Exactly what I was thinking. If all MSM are owned by the Cabal then what’s the agenda here....Thanks for clarifying.

kind of in our face. bet that sells well in North America. :(

Yeah thanks Chuck. My morning is shot. That was a 10 cent stripper act at best.

These are the 9% the 1% are gonna keep around as subjective. There has to be some kind of Tavostock bulletin board where people can grab these kinds of jobs. I bet her soul for this video was cheap. Money talks out crisis actors dirty mouths.

these fake shows .....are killing the hearts and minds of the people

Game over America

he said you can’t not analyse ...well that is him speaking about himself not thinking clearly

Phone tapping is a hoax too! Keeps the older hoaxes going. They want everyone scarred and angry. Rely ’authority’ more and more and accept more and more restrictions. People in a scarred/angry/sorrowful state are less likely to wake up and see through this crap.

All part of the linked stories. Hardly anything is real on the controlled media.

I think Bill Clinton is really a Rockefeller.


Nice vid! The mAsses are more likely to accept a lie when another lie is added to the original. Then on & on it goes down the disinformation rabbit hole.

The kid in green is more disinformation. Yes cnn was scripted but so was this interview. 1st, It keeps the goyim trapped in the left vs right political bubble. 2nd, the goyim are told to look at this diversion instead of the big picture that the shooting itself was a hoax and (((who))) is behind it.

Also, you seem like a reader so check out Henry Ford’s, of the once great Ford motor company, book from 100 years ago before WWII. Very good read and gives you an idea of how long the jews have infiltrated the US churches. Free pdf download Now their influence over the church has only grown through the ’national council of churches’, 501c3 exemption, or ’world council of churches’.

She about to morph into a puddle.

These judaeo-christian churches have molded people to the communist cause by saying anyone can go to heaven [universalism] and the jews in israel are ’gods chosen people’ so the jew can bring in their elohim father [satan] under a one world religion and government. The ’bible’ is the genealogy and history of the race of Adam. Check out ARCODEAUS on utube before he gets taken down if you want to step outside the religious bubble.