
You missed the double EE in strEEt artist

where is the sound chuck?

Good Catch!

None whatsoever...


smartest cop. honest

You should read Elizabeth Dilling’s book, “The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today”, where she exposes all the Satanic evil in the Jewish Babylonian Talmud, and why Jesus called them the ’children of the devil’ and how the Talmud is used to corrupt society and goes hand in hand with the Protocols of Zion. It’s online here free:

Hello. I enjoy your videos. Please be aware of the deceit of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I don’t have any problem with the Genesis days material you’ve just posted, but please be aware how JWs deceive with their doctrines and altered the bible in hundreds of places. Please study all their history and false doctrines. They will do everything they can to dissuade you from doing this and are taught to use many logical fallacies. The truth does not fear investigation!rnrnAn essential book on JWs by an ex-Governing Body member, Raymond Franz - ’Crisis of Conscience’. It’s online free here:

thats was intentional disinfo from shills saying he was arrested for drugs use in california and is 25. Most of us are convinced he has already graduated high school.

I smell an Oscar!

She’s just a willy warmer.

starting this vid at about 12 min’s in would have better impact because the sheeple I would forward this clip to would not watch the hole thing from the start. fetzer is the man and he shows his balls at 11 or 12 min’s in. then start from the start to get his creds. we all know our sheeple friends and family out number us.

This is one of my faves. Now I’m feeling hungry ....


excellent upload.

aww i wanted to see the splash

It is incredibly amazing that folks fall for this "bad acting" bs hoaxery. Thanks. Great vid.

Hi, thanks for your comments! I had never come across the Holodomor, will look into this. rnI used to be more of a reader but since getting a smartphone I find it difficult to concentrate on books, I will check out the PDF, thanks a lot, I will slao look up ARCODEAUS. I don’t disagree at all about what the churches have done to people, in a lot of cases destroyed them spiritually. They do create a bubble, but I like to think I’m not part of it. Thanks for the suggestions and links!

I wonder if Hogg would be pictured in WMSD group shot for yearbook?

In link is emails to staff of WMSD