
This is of course the Nov. 2013 "shooting" at LAX. It so happens that FBI agent Kevin Hogg was stationed at LAX at that time before his retirement in 2014.

Make sure prior to 100% you have no more than 4 catagories and at least 1. The upload must hit 100% and the button should turn clickable blue. Its a bit delicate at the moment so try to get the formula. It will get better.

We don’t need a secret hand gesture. I know you by your lyrical flow. God blessed heroic lyrical flow.

Dont let your devices timeout. If your connection is bad or your device times out, your uploads will stall.

This video is immortal.

Hey Voice can I get upload ability please? TERMINATED from youtube for second time. I tried uploading and it says 100% completed but the submit button is not active. Be MUCH APPRECIATED if I could continue to contribute to the truth getting out there. Thanks

It’s mind boggling, even for someone who knows it’s true.

Alcohol, tobacco and firearms would make good currency.

Lucid clear thinking powerfully artistically expressed.

No hate, but I am angry that they took the rainbow and the word gay. Daisies are gay.

I’ve been listening to Biohazard and Onyx, and Deltron Zero; but this Soul Here is even higher level.

What a bunch of clowns! Where’s the guy with the gorilla suit? This is such bullshit, they have limited space on the ISS, or so they say. There is no way they could have that large keyboard up there. They have all this time to fuck off, why don’t they take some real pictures of Earth?

its hard to soar with eagles when you flock with turkeys

I love all your videos you have here. You must be ripped raw and open wide. Your soul is huge, and your energy is pouring out. You are making this painful awakening Sound Good! Endure and be enduring, my friend.

We are less than 4 months old. The people will come as long as people share, as you said. Keep doing what your doing and the people will come and when they do, we will keep them. When content stays up, over time we will win.

3:45 PM EST. PLUS or MINUS 5 minutes to time stamp the cops loading the truck with the extremely heavy black bagged object(s).

So that calculations you did agree with mine?

A drill? Code red? Active shooter? Ok. Coincidence then.

uber has auto pilot drivers :)

Do my best. Get 20-200 videos dropped my way daily.. maybe some new things shared today. I think I have figured it out but wont post atm. like to be more sure before drop a poop bomb :)