
LOL hilarious and great video! subbed.

is that red head at about 37 seconds another crisis actor from parkland psy op?

Wonder when this video was made? Link to video?

WMSD school station

All I know is no planes hit WTC. Missile(s) imo. And of course no planes crashed at Pgon and Sville.

At that time Bill Clinton was accused for receiving cocaine at Mena Airstrip earlier when he was Governor of Arkansas. So admitting a blowjob from Lewinsky was a easy way out. The newspapers write about this instead of investigate the drug running operations from Mena Arkansas. And no one save a dress with semen unwashed for 11 years. No one. Not even Monica Lewinsky. But she got well paid for saying that.

Good idea. A ’Driving Dog Productions’ credit at the end of every video. lolrnAfter watching this video I very much agree on one thing she said. We have to do something about mental health in the USA. She needs help.

Exactly! I’ve been tweeting everywhere, and linking 153news videos every time I see a Tweet on the Phony Fake Shows that are pushing them as real or the agenda. One of my videos went up to 10,000 views! WOW! I never got that many views on JewTube! I also tweet links from other channels on 153news that clearly prove the story is fake! I helped Anaconda Malt Liquor get a couple thousand views on one of his videos! It’s not enough to just post them on your Twitter Page! We have to go search for Tweets on the subject, and respond to those with multiple twitter accounts in the reply! Many people are now watching 153news after seeing my reply tweets!

Terrible Tim has more brains then that room full of libtards at the beginning!

A poor, struggling actwhore seeking money for her BFA according to her own words. For some reason I doubt her parents are poor.

I wouldn’t bet against you. Sad actwhores are sad.

Future leaders of the United States of America.

Darn! The link isn’t working!

I struggled through it. It was one of the tougher things I’ve ever done :-(

The people have to realize that just like 9/11, Sandy Hook was fake. When you figure out that Sandy Hook was fake, then the rest of it isn’t to hard to imagine.

That doesn’t look like the skinny chin prick, David Pig. But, regardless of which students, I can’t believe any HS would allow this to be produced.

Maybe it would work if he enters a Tide Pod Challenge contest.

I’m hoping that Hogg enters a Tide Pod Challenge and wins.

Seriously.’m still searching from where this video originates from. It shows Hogg acting at about the :39 second mark. It’s a bunch of tiny clips from all of their movies. It may have been used in a Student Television Network National Convention contest.

They are doing it to see if the sheep notices to see how dumb down they are.