
I dont use anything made by goggggggle but yes, your correct and then sun and moon cacl site will give time or dateandtime website etc..

Thanks. Agree.. the "dummy" aml might have seen, even tho head to small for me to buy that, might be a option. The floppy things swinging look too large to be "straps" etc.. idk.

I have now. hahaha. wonder if the trash/pizza box or was it a backpack that was thrown out the window... is in that pile?

Agree... Point was.. "timeline" I am under assumption only, what the teacher saw was a man like those in the video shooting. not the kid. real or fake bullets she appears believable. Fake bullets maybe as when you look down the hall when kids leave, you dont see holes in the walls... but not sure if same hall??? :/

You can pause and use the slider bar to go < and >.rnYep.. good guys always wear black and conceal themselves.

golf style. Your right..

No problem, I love what I’m doing and helping others getting the truth out.. :-)

Shared originally from Jerry right here on 153 . You just know it is going to get a strike on JewTube ! Thanks for all you do Sizzorfite !

My sister had at least 2 if her best friends die. I’m not an actor.

not one tear. not one hint of genuine sadness or grief. lying scum.

my town has an ordinance where you can get a ticket for having a dog obscure your view while on your lap/ in the front seat.

thanks for the he nice words, and for providing somewhere we can upload our work without fear of it being removed. Hope you are able to keep 153 going, so much truth on here.


Fuck you tube

Scripted witnesses, that unacceptable.

Gus Chambers youtube channel TERMINATED as of TODAY. Is anybody else having hard time uploading here?

That skinny chinned prick

Having trouble uploading videos. They get to 20-30% and hang going no further. Bitchute was awasteof time dueto videos notuploading now this site. Starting to get more pissed at this denial of free speech.

The Boston Firecracker was faked, no injuries whatsoever! Everyone of these crisis actors have been exposed by Peekay!

Crisis actor!!! He’s a loser!!