
Trump is the swamp.

Finally a YouTube alternator that lives up to the name go back to being cat videos you tube cuz that’s how you got started

Thanx for comments all. Gonna keep an eye on this one.

See my video today. think its be over for some time. Next up.. Do the right things by our standards. thank you.

Well said.

Shall not be .. Strong words eh?rn

It was theater so people would look at another direction. For three months, the media was busy wondering if Monica Lewinsky gave Bill Clinton a blowjob or not.

Bags os sht!~

I see que card/screens placed on both left and right. she refers to those often. She make a good little CA very soon. Agree with AML below. Hard to see dumb kids make others dumber! So heres to you little one.. in your own words... fuck you! Now I hate myself.. btw :/

The numbers fit but not sure what agenda the murder fits. Where does the phone tapping come into it?

That was so hard to watch btw


Read elsewhere that Mr Bill Velcro pants handed out a lot of ’ wet willys ’ during those years.

What a prick.

I got this from your recording. I have the CNN original but I just needed that clip so I got it from you sir. CNN:

BigPapaTruth recorded it and I put my spin on it...

You may be right. Can you make a video to show this by time? thank you.

If it wasn’t a dummy they wouldn’t be carrying it like that by that person.

The legendary truth teller peekay.

Pure and simple, Peekay is the best!