
One day upgrades will come!

Love it ! . Keep them cuming ... Whoops

Coming to a theater near you...

Until you jump off the 50th floor of a building you can’t say what happens. We did it, we’re the expert!rnWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH Piece of shit!

Did Noah Pozner die again in Michigan this time?

17? Lol. Hogg and Cameron

It’s a good video. It shows that they can fake anything.

Yes, in the UK, Roger means to insert.. and Randy means feeling horny... lol

Elsewhere you claim that Hogg was not an "official" student at the school. But he is in this video. You think he was interacting with this student group without being a student?

What’s the police code for "69"? "’David, did you get off yet?’.....’Aaron, that’s a 10-4’"

We are being swamped with flat earth videos. Cmon jboss, kick em off!

The original video is not available. Wonder why, lol.

Hogg’s debate partner made a video with Hogg and partner mentioned Hogg was 25, from CA and not a student.

The professor!!! Jim check this out you will love it!

"Israel leap-frog-promoted Goldberg all the way to captain of "special projects." Seems like jewish mafia to me

Wish I could edit my post so I could correct the Punctuation.

Amazing video and this is just one of the many landscapes and landmarks which can be seen may miles away in every direction on our flat plane. Just use Nikon P900 as I do. It has the best and most accurate zoom since my cannon SLR camera and can see things at great distance also depending on weather conditions which you would not be seen on a make believe ball earth Earth’s curvature calculator states that for every 1 mile there should be 8" squared of curvature. If this were the case The Chicago skyline would be barely visible if at all. More videos like this please. God bless America.

Buzz Aldrin makes me sick to my stomach.

Banned from, dingalingaling, JewTube is a badge of honor in this age of universal deceit.

Classic, good stuff. Who put this clown on damage control anyway? Inverted mirage ..... pppffffbwaahaha