
Part of the fun of hoaxing for these rats! Test out how good their brainwashing/programming is. Watch the sheep swallow the crap hook, line and sinker and laugh their evil socks off!!!

Thank you. Just PowerPoint animation and screen capture. Giving the game away a bit there, so not that clever. Would you believe that I have now had 5 of these code exposing videos removed from ScrewTube for bullying and harassment FFS. Once you see their code you can smell out hoaxes very quickly!! Just put this on YouTube, expect it to go soon.

I agree with Bobby. I fell for them all .....

Woo Hoo... \0/

jimmy1974. Just, delete your comment and put up a new one. Problem solved.

^^^ THIS ^^^

Great vid S.T. Lets flood this to youtube!

Steffan: work your way back thru videos until you see first vids on Parkland. Then work forward. It won’t take long to see what happened.

Great find. That’s really bad/good . Embarrassing acting ...

I must have missed a lot of things regarding this event... :)

Thanks for making and posting the vid. Wanted to see something, what was going on with the most recent Florida thing (not easy to find out since most channels on utube has been taken out), but now I know. it is just another despicable hoax / lie, being sold to the sheeple as if it was real.

Very clever .

the button never turns blue. I am getting to 100% then nothing. I will keep trying.

That’s a beaut !

RT sucks just like Inside Edition. I put together a short timeline via Hogg’s twitter. Hogg traveled to CA on 8/4-5. He said it was his summer vacation. He gets to CA and the next day he just happens by chance to be at the beach with his Spicoli looking friend to tape a confrontation. Which just happened to be picked up by CBS2 LA. If anyone lives near the Redondo Beach area, the local library has Redondo Shores and Union high school yearbooks. I think you get my point.

That girl from the Young Turks also claims see never watched said video on the original Video by them????????????? But is on Youtube trying to tell its wrong. The guy there was fumbling like a fish out of water as he knows its hard to cover for something so obvious.They were getting destroyed in the comments, pretty sure they cleaned them up since.

Pieces of trashhhh

Great clip!

yep...that was it :)