

Read "The $5 Trillion Cold War Hoax" by Eustace Mullins. If a story gets nation wide coverage and it’s pushing fear or political divide it’s most likely fear porn. not jack off to it! You will go blind to the reality that media are the terrorists.

Uncle Alice. How far.. Will they go? To answer your question. They have no limit!

I didnt think this would fly on youtube. Looks like it is already taking off here. Youtube is really is.

Yes! Exit Youtube.

nasty...we are a lost society

More on the way jimmy1974!

It’s a thankless task!

SF good to see you. Trribletim is back on the scene. :)

The masses are on the receiving end of a big dick. They are experts at getting butt slammed. So, when media serves up a giant crap encrusted cock, some of them smell the shit and warn the others to tighten their sphincters. Those that don’t are impaled by the dookie dick of fear porn and are left to struggle like flies on a no pest strip. Just say "No" to mud covered puds. Only you can keep the back door of your mind safe from shit heads. Media are the terrorists. Turn them off.

David Hogg For President !!!

I only have certain people that I talk about the hoaxes with as I know its a touchy subject. I could not believe how many people I knew who said..did you see this about Vegas? And the seeds of Truth were planted. The Florida Shooting Hoax only cemented the obvious lies, with how pathetic it was. They are running out of lies to keep the present lies afloat, per se. Today while shopping, a man while older looked at a magazine cover at the checkout that Hogg on there and said that event was BS. While he was probably about 65, he said he was tired of the bs and that the Vegas shooting and his daughter opened his eyes and he was amazed he never saw it before. Maybe because this is Canada? I do not know...........but their lies are crumbling..big time.

Right on the money guys , their time is near and the Young Turds and all the lying mainstream media are about to get what they deserve !

Spot on , keep up the great work !

Bingo !

Two strikes on two channels today and we are once again down for three months on YouTube . Thank God for 153 !

Pleeeease come to Texas !

I like your style !

Right on !

You bet , thanks !