
yeah its not on what they do to his channels.. and all channels really its sad.. he made a video yesterday i hope hes makes the jump also.. i figured since he dont save his work.. i jacked what i could find and mirrored them here.. ill make my own stuff wen i get the means to.. untill then ill mirror stuff i feel is worthy of sharing.. and the dip series is really eye opening in my view and good information to share.. salute g shock

That metal beams turns to dust!!!! 911 was an inside job!! Earth is Flat

sunday morning vids from JL...nice relaxing way to spend a lazy sunday..

I’m with Wolfgang all the way !!! Great video!!

Looks more like controlled demolition to me.

Shill, why don’t you, Judy wood, Richard lighthouse, Andrew bessagio take a walk off your flat earth. You pieces of trash.

the masses are asses.

JL you are the best man.. finally seeing your vids from days ago. plastic jesus!!! can you believe this shit!!!

I agree! I don’t know the shape of the earth – but at least I know that the earth is not a spinning ball.

No thoughts after 100+ views? I really did ask a question. =)

I take it you drink. :) lol

yesss, my 3rd vid og JL for the morning. i also heard of that story from back in the day. the only difference was a turtle instead of a frog. but same story line

Peekay Mirror -

JL put all your work here, jewtube is being gutted of us truthers.

JL i havent see any new vids from you on jewtube. so i signed up here and subbed.

thanks to russianvids i can spot all these hoaxes immediately

Thank you Jim.

I think they shut down most of his channels and since I haven’t seen him posting for 4 straight days ... hope he moves over here.

Yes it’s very flat all the way down the Bristol Channel. Check out Adams video we mirrored A Bridge to Far. Cheers for watching and commenting.

# 3 Dwyane Wade is a punk scumbag.