
Can i email you a video i got i can not get it to post on here Thanks


have one friend who awoke after Vegas, I believe due to misinformation put out that caused him to research for himself. I have several co-workers and others I know discussing this said event, with some realizing its all a lie. They have loss all control of the narrative and lets hope they pull another big one soon that they f up. Because in the end..lies always look like lies and they are poking a Hornets nest ready to explode.

David and Goliath all over again. I think we are only going to grow and improve. Thanks for all that you do.

What a douche bag. Correction. What a bunch of douche bags, surrounding Scott "The Colostomy Bag" Israel.

Yes you can tell he has witnessed such unspeakable carnage and psychological trauma. This guy is on another level of scumbag.

This is absolutely disgusting. When are the people going to stand up because we are running out of time.

Yes because every liar says he aint lying. Deny deny deny.


shoot me an email to with whatever info you have and such and we will look it over. We want nothing but the truth.

Yep...just let us know when we have disinfo agencies and we will investigate and clear it out if its fake.

Great, but could you please delete these flat-earth intelligence controlled channels ? They are clearly trying to discredit by associating us with this crap.

You two losers will be in prison before you know it

People need to stop saying it was an inside job too! Sure there were certain people inside that were complicit but make no mistake it was a Zionist job.


A shitty hoax. I live 30 miles from Manchester and I have had 2 people say to me that they know someone who knows someone that was killed / injured in this hoax. They were certainly busy passing on Chinese whispers. Not sure how they did it, but it is Fake as F*ck!!!

The old turds need to be in fucking prison!!!!!!! Sell out, traitorous shill SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

David Hogg & Emma Gonzalez on Tour. Coming to a theater near you...

Like your name! Keep hunting for the curves:)

I tell everyone to get off jew tube and go here to learn about this fake shit!! No mercy to traitors!!!!!!!!