
Anyway, it looks like they are exiting the doors on the east side of bldg. 12. Maybe what I see outside the window is vertical blinds inside the window? Cops standing right outside the doors not behaving as if they are alarmed. Perhaps the cops are yelling at the students to keep running, not to stop, so that they don’t have time to evaluate what is lying on the floor.

Oh! I see you saw that! Sorry.

Throughout -5:56 (very difficult to slowly view on this website) isn’t that a cop simply standing there with his back against the wall?

Once a certain number of people wake up don’t be too surprised if the shit hits the fan in a bigger way than we can imagine. TPTB wont let it go too far and they will pull out their ace. It will not be pretty when the lights go out.

Where you pause it at -9:10. This website you can’t edit comments.

If this platform helps to wake up just one more sleeping sheep to the fact that Jesus is the only way out of this prison then it will all be worth it Jason. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to help wake em up!

Consider this friends: Halbig was correct when he said protocol for CODE RED is to lock the door, shut the lights, and get everyone into the corner of the room. But the story is that someone got on the intercom and told 3000 students and 100’s of staff to evacuate, causing utter chaos for the cameras. Yet David & Company stayed behind and made a video. Maybe they knew something the others didn’t

You jackwads ain’t getting the guns unless it’s the business end.

Particularly at -9:31, no doubt elsewhere in this schoolroom video, outside the left window it appears to be some vertical structure, maybe a fence, vertical wires, a gate ? Looking around on google earth I can’t find anything like that around building 12.

Little personal thing: I spent an afternoon in South America tied up in a small bathroom with a gun to my head by some drugged up theives. Knives to my throat also. The guy with me who caused the whole thing went into a sort of trance. Couldnt speak. Frozen in fear. I was mostly crying and hyperventalating and my heart was racing in pure fear. We were dead and we knew it. The last thing I thought of doing was whipping out my phone and making a video about gun control in Colombia (which is 100% illegal btw).

Disgusting was the 1st word that came to mind here also.

i watched the entire 9 minute clip on yootoob. There is more laughter per second than an episode of Married With Children. 17 people brutally murdered and they are laughing their asses off. And it makes me wonder.

They will be food for the vultures when this is done. This shows how desperate their masters are purging youtube of the truth. Days are short can see Satan increasing his attacks on humanity.

Rocking the TRUTH AGAIN! Nobody does it like The Thorn!

Just watching the slight bouncing motion they exhibit is undeniable proof of a harness. It’s sickening watching these frauds with the same interview format almost every time. They always appear uncomfortable, play with a microphone or some other objects and do a flip. Nothing but lame ass questions with even lamer answers. How about explaining why that tin can don’t burst in the infinite vacuum of space. Yet heavy steel railroad tanker cars are crushed like an aluminum can if they develop a vacuum (no where near the alleged vacuum of space) here on earth.

All up in your club...

Credit is really due to one of our enemies but I’ll never say who . Thanks for being a warrior !

Should make some new videos bud. Spice things up a little. We should focus on the VR and holohoax bs now out by MS. soon we wont be able to tell the difference.. See my older videos on VR.

wont audio when downloaded

Thank you for goofs.Now over 3 year into this fake fraud bs and yet to see one REAL/legit argument against FE. The best jesuit hoax ever.. Peace