
I was like you once! I would get pissed at anyone wanting to sell me on Flat Earth Truth. Then, as a civil engineer and surveyor, I thought I would look into their videos and debunk it. Problem was, I couldn’t! I tried, and tried, but everything they were saying was the truth. What I was taught in school? well, they were clearly lies.

They are silencing Flat Earth videos on YT! Even the most popular channels like Eric Dubay! Why is that? You only take the most flack when you are over the Target! So, maybe you should check it out! Start off with my video on the FakeX launches! Then go watch some International Fake Station shenanigans! They aren’t in space, and they didn’t land on the moon! So, why aren’t they in space then if it’s what they claim?

Heck, I even SPAM THE TWITTER SPAM! Especially if it’s a New Advertisement, and NOBODY has responded to, I will spam that thing in a heartbeat! It’s working folks! But, I can’t be the only one doing this! We have to do this across the board, and not just the people making the videos! We only have so much time before they shut us down on Twitter and other platforms!

This is awesome! EVERYONE needs to Share on Twitter (reply to Congressman, Sheriff, Fake News, etc where it will get people that won’t see the truth!!) That’s how I got 10k views on just ONE video! I only share clean videos, where the crisis actors ADMIT to the fake phony show, and any truther that can do it without throwing out personal attacks but just plain truth! If EVERYONE would go to Twitter and start "Spamming" one of the best videos on exposing these Fake Phony Shows, we would take that to a MILLION in a week! Please do your part! I can only do so much, but ALL of us could beat this crap and reach out to MILLIONS! Even if they don’t wake up to this latest fake event, that will stick in their mind the next one, and start using Common sense!

Hogg finally came out of the closet laughing and smiling?

When is Hogg finally going to come out of the closet?

I can’t 100% say I agree the Earth is flat but one thing these videos do expose is the satanic misinformation that gets pushed on us from all angles of the main stream media. I have learned more about the heliocentric model and Earth’s atmosphere since researching flat earth than I ever did before. rnSome of those pushing the flat earth may be controlled but the majority appear to just want to know the truth.

Thank you AML for putting up the name Johnny Cirucci. I did not know him, but now I have found a very interesting link. Thanks!

FREE ONLINE BOOK: The first of 2 editions is published for FREE online in PDF format providing proof beyond a reasonable doubt. "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook It Was a FEMA drill to Promote Gun Control". rn

If you include the original link we may find the news item is simply running an overview of mass shootings from the past that naturally include the sandy Hook hoax.

I wake people by giving away DVDs that reveal hoax events. Then they can watch whenever they want. I also leave links to 153 and links to videos here in the comment section on different blogs.

And Thank you Chuck P for your Hoax List 2012–2017. I have sent it to Ole Dammegard. (Of course I mentioned that it was you that have done the list).


Hacking accounts to make up the rules as you go along is not a great PR tactic.

An unevenly loaded ship is likely to tip around, but it is no problem to drive a boat at 45, 90 graders angle – even up and down! Yeah, Right!

I am absolutely sure that the earth don’t spinning in 1,000 miles per hour (1,600 km/hr). And that Gravity is totally bogus. But I don’t know the shape of the earth, but I at least know that the earth is not a spinning ball with water holding onto it because of ’Gravity’. Cargo Ship Out At Sea:

And that the people in Australia are not standing upside down and stick to the ground because of Gravity.rn

Great music in video!! Keep it up!!

Great video!! News mans a MORON!!

Butt plugger tux!!!!!! I love it!!! GREAT VIDEO!!!