
Please can we loose the flat earthers?

Tx. ;o)

Correct about Ego!!!

Ole Dammegard: A hint to Texas. Annika Dean’s son is named Austin. Annika Dean from the Ft. Lauderdale Shooting, January 6, 2017. Time code: ( Annika Dead and her son Austin – ).

My bad I meant to the right near the front of the classroom.

There could be a dummy on the floor to the left as well. Weird lump.

TD’s dad at one time owned the 4 Mcds franchises that were taken over by his son and daughter. The dad passed away 2 1/2 years ago. TD and sister acquired six more stores around Oct ’16. I have been going to the Ducharme Mcds since ’09. One of my sources on this case is long time friends with the family to include the departed dad.

Promoting in Holland, global revolution of truth!

Big pardner, everything is "stupid" when it’s exposing losers like you.

Bigparner...if the sites so stupid why are you on it you shill scumbag?

"Bigpardner" in the comments has got shill written all over him. Hey loser, if you don’t know this shit is fake by now you’re either a shill or the stupidest person alive. The mere fact it’s on MEGYN FUCKING KELLYS SHOW tells you all you need to know. Megyn Kelly aka CIA mouthpiece aka operation mockingbird whore propagandist. Wake up stupid. It’s people like you are the reason this shit continues to go on .

Go to then Driver Licenses & ID Cards then Teen Drivers then Requirements for Teens Obtaining a Florida Driver License

What does the restriction on driving with learners permit have to do with it? If you are 16 you can obtain a drivers license, with some restrictions, if you meet the requirements.


can I get the url to the original video (ie the news report or whatever) Thx

Gary/Jim - did you see this one yet?

Maybe. The one i got was messed up 4 starters..

CHeers man

Is there a place to find the clip where he says "he’s 25 and from California" that is unedited?

Now also VIMEO starts to killing channels!