
Don’t any of these actors know how to cry real salt tears LOL. Supposed to be actors, More LOL

Who’s the little dike shaven Nazi bitch. Look just like someone from the Antifa movement LOL. I see her everywhere as getting sick of all this fake shit. And as for David Hogg we all know he’s a bare faced liar and his father is FBI do the maths. God bless you all.

Sure looks like it!

There are a few more like this bit of propaganda set to come out. dont do TV myself but download and skim most things like this. Just to see whats being put out there. Appreciate the comment. 👍

glad you covered this. i didn’t see the series but i knew it would be total propaganda fer sure. it made my stomach sick back in 93 :(( no rest in hell, janet reno.

TVR. – One man, one vote. Ha haa! Yes, I only can one vote one time, but I don’t even use that opportunity. Voting is overrated – in all contexts.

You should check out his presentation Illuminati Unmasked. It’s three parts (about six hours worth all up). He talks about his book of the above title. Very interesting.

The only problem? He’s a wretchedly horrible actor.

There remains the question of oxygen. Even if the man himself is not burn, you know he still has to breath; and that poses quite a big query on some of the extended burning sequences. You will not that stage performances were all momentary appearances, then immediately to backstage cover. That’s s my take. Further investigation sought.

I have no idea what that was but it was heavy.

Barry was/is great. When he was active I couldn’t wait for his next vid to come out. He has some good interviews on a few channels also. I wonder if they’re still up, probaby not.

Good stuff

Something wrong with the comment coding. Remove the "rn" in front of the https in my comment below.

SNAFU BAR found this brotherman: Family trip to Florida with Auntie Hogg rnalso this eye opener: rn

SNAFU BAR found this: Family trip to Florida with Auntie Hogg also this eye opener:

Here here. Masonic/jesuit lies. Please take some time and REALLY look. Test.. and dont be worried what others think. If you dont agree after all this, dont censor.. just dont watch.rn

There is NO more this video online. However, I have the full film but really no use to post it here as its all propaganda. You may have some luck on or .is.

Fuckin a right! Good to see you always RDtruth ✌mockery because we all know this prick is a CIA test tube baby.

My perspective does some great work.

After decades of being propagandized and brainwashed I finally questioned it!