
Great to see you here , RTR Truth Media . Even though we had a long argument a few years ago on JewTube , I fucking KNOW you are real truther .

Also at Boston Hoaxathon – many crisis actors dressed in RED.

gravity is just a unproven theory, but pressure is measureable. I havn’t discounted the possiblility that the earth is concave because the opposite polar stars-rotational-direction remains observable to anyone who wants to examine the movement. Well that and the Tamarack mines-shaft experiment showing that the center of the earth is above us.

Let’s see one of those astronots do a full summersault with their arms outstrectched to the side instead of clasped tighly to their body. never happens.

zionist jews seem to be largely behind the gun grab just like in russia. These ultra leftist who are also aligned with the agenda are just useful idiots/pawns.

Good stuff, nice touch on the american psycho at the end.

Jim Fetzer on FBI Informant ******* and the Bundy Ranchers:

NO curve + NO spin = game over.

twitter is censoring the ever living daylights out of truthers right now

Those are a bunch of scary creatures . It’s all Sandra Bullox .

anger is a gift..

Look at his name there is a sex code in it. Start with the ’K.Y’

thank you for your support and kind words, keep up the good fight!

I want some proof that we live on the blue marble. How about one photo from space! How about you show us some curvature of the Earth. You sure can’t see any when you’re up 35000 feet in an airliner. By the way gravity is bullshit! Gravity is the most powerful force known to man, it holds everything in place, yet a tiny mosquito has no trouble flying right through it. All us dumber than dumb "flat earthers" want is some proof of the blue marble!

I think you’ve nailed this one .

I saw your SH daughters pic. Where is that picture taken. My comment did not take on the photo. This guy that does the backgrounds should talk to explain what they are trying to prove. It makes it much easier to follow along. It is hit and miss with their work. But I am glad they look into backgrounds.

No doubt. I wish I had stats for the parkland hoax. I got nailed with a huge load balancing bill for last month. Something I havent seen in 10 years runnings tons of bandwidth. We are nearing 500,000 page views as of last check. Thats a ton of eyes refreshing looking for new news.

I thank Parkland. Everytime they shove the agenda down our throat a few more people come out of their slumber. I anticipate the next event will be a tipping point I can feel the momentum.

I laughed when megyn kelly said she was a mother.

You really think you are spinning at twice the speed of a bullet?