
So what is your explanation for clouds moving west. Are they merely going slower east. If the air is actually moving hundreds to over a thousand mph east, it would not be possible for clouds to slowly drift west. Just go on believing an aircraft that flies north or south from the equator is actually moving sideways faster than forwards.

Pure EVIL!

Much gratitude to you, Thomas, for sharing your work. After contemplating so many lies, this counts as just one more (very important) possible lie that I’ve been focusing on and exploring. Your sharing is important.

NWC New World Chaos...because ’chaos is a ladder’ (of opportunity and control).

Spot on.

Brother nathaniel is a force of nature.

Peekay exposed these three frauds long ago. I love Kristara running along side the stretcher, without as much as a limp but later she was hit with shrapnel and I believe a fractured ankle. Bullshit, the Brassards are lying pieces of shit!

Great video. But the part with the yearbook showing Hogg in it a was a plant. It was a setup. These twisted Satanists planted that info in a twitter post and just a few posts down it was revealed that the person who posted it had an unmasked IP address in Russia. Then the Satanists posted the very same picture of Hogg in the yearbook but this time it was a video of the yearbook showing it was the Stoneman Douglas yearbook. It was a 100% hoax within a 100% hoax to make it look like the Russians were posting fake news. These people are trash and they would chop their own dicks off to try and fool us...and some of them do...chop their dicks off.

Isn’t it interesting how the three Jews lump us all together with Alex Jones who is a crypto Jew? What a scam these Satanists have going.

That Delaney Tarr was given the professional treatment for her little speech. Hair, makeup, wardrobe, the works. She’s hardly even recognizable from just a month or two ago as seen in her job as the news anchor for WMSD news. What a sad world we live in.

Dailymotion does it too.

A lot of people are using VPNs so this graph is probably somewhat skewed... But in terms of sheer numbers - great news!

The cunt should be executed by firing squad

I was kicked out from dailymotion half an hour after creating an account and uploading a couple vids. No surprise there.

Can you only vote once. Maybe I can setup a bot for auto suck status clicks. Sorry you got robbed again.

He’s ACT---ING!

VIMEO HUMOR! Vimeo kicked me out today. They send me an email: Dear Austin Texas, Your account has been removed by the Vimeo Staff for violating our Guidelines. One hour later I got a new mail from VIMEO: We’d love to hear how you feel about the support you recently received from Sean McGilvray and the rest of the Vimeo team. Please take a moment to answer one simple question by clicking either image below: How would you rate the support you received?

Operation CHAOS + All the atomic bomb movies was running from this facility. Charles Mansons Psyops/Hoax and Mock Trial.

More deception. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN AIR FORCE STATION by Truthstream Media:

a call for an uprising has been on the forefront delivering some massive blows to parkland story. It doesn’t get much more in your face than this thanks red dogg.