
NOPE , I was wrong . They WERE loaded yesterday m but they are NOT there today . WTF ? And it STILL is not letting me upload . What the fuck , dude ???

WoW , I predicted the future ( THIS ) 2 days ago while talking to my brother . Lol

Unfortunately for Leonard, it’s not YouTube. Nice to see that is making an impact. Great job!!!

I have 4 videos on that list , but 2 of them have since uploaded .

What’s this about terrorism charges?

Hey there, I just uploaded a 2 min video, upload successful, insertion looked complete too... Submit Now went great, now it’s not there?

Can’t be unequally yoked.

From what I hear Penny never follows through with legal action. So if it ever goes to court he does not turn up. How can he claim to own the copyright of two people having a discussion?

Was the brown kid at the front door Nikolas Cruz’s brother Zachary?

Pigs are taking over America . rn So it’s up to us to keep the pigs in line.

Ole Dammegard – Light On Conspiracies: Thank you, Austin Texas, thanks to your previous message, I have already done a number of interviews where I have mentioned what has happened. Hopefully, it will help them get released.- TruthCatRadio - Ole Dammegard tells Steven D Kelley about the arrest of Side Thorn and Conspiracy Granny in Texas:

Ole Dammegard – Light On Conspiracies: Thank you, Austin Texas, thanks to your previous message, I have already done a number of interviews where I have mentioned what has happened. Hopefully, it will help them get released.- TruthCatRadio - Ole Dammegard tells Steven D Kelley about the arrest of Side Thorn and Conspiracy Granny in Texas:

Ole Dammegard – Light On Conspiracies: Thank you, Austin Texas, thanks to your previous message, I have already done a number of interviews where I have mentioned what has happened. Hopefully, it will help them get released.- TruthCatRadio - Ole Dammegard tells Steven D Kelley about the arrest of Side Thorn and Conspiracy Granny in Texas:

Notice how the Jacks who want to use these events to take peoples guns then ramble on about killing us with a gun.

You just know CNN will sign him up after the obligatory US tour he will make. 360 with David Hogg on CNN.

Ok .. Lets kick it on then. Here comes some truth. Thank you bro! 👍

Lenny Pozner had LRF shut down for two days in Oct. ’16 on a copyright strike on a picture that showed the Richmond girl and mom/dad with someone else by a firetruck and a side by side of two older gentleman with a black haired tot and the Richmond girl. LRF took it down and was able to continue. I will send you pic in question by email.

Great link Austin. thanks!!

Proud to fight with you guys. No doubt the fight is worth the cost.

Upload....its resolved....i think. I will change as soon as I get to work.