
Pay no attention to him. The more you make him EXIST the more purpose his miserable life gets to his eyes. If he comes over, don’t engage in conversation. If he trolls, ban him. Let him waste time by creating a hundred channels, it’s HIS time and HIS life that get wasted. I don’t know if he’s a paid PoS or not but if you’re not being paid why bother? :-)

Missed that one... Yours is a bit different though, and I put a more accurate translation :)

Wow ST, that’s some deep trolling against you both. Just know that the whole community is behind you both and your efforts to simply "tell the truth" .

Is this the fan A who set up utube Peekay truth channel. Anyway, I’m sure his daddy regrets many things regarding this wet turd. Not using a condom would top the list.

You seen this one mate? fella’s a complete joke!

I bet the little creep was handing out sweets to the kids. He’s mentally sick, we all know that much.

Thats a walking fucking parasite this sick idiot!

If it looks like a pedo, acts like a pedo & sounds like a pedo...........................................

Guys, does Pozner even exist? OK, so we know there is a “character” by the name of Lenny Pozner from Sandy Hoax and that name is behind these pathetic take down requests but like another person of the same surname who died twice who probably never even existed to begin with does Lenny? Is Lenny a REAL person even?

I think the funniest video I watched in the past few months was this ficticious actor pretending to cry when his supposed father had died. He didn’t even do a good job on that one.

We’ve gotta pull him in here.

The media is useless they need to be kicked in the ass with the truth . And they will be

It was a hoax through and through simple and plain to see.... the more you scratch the more it will itch , the more will wake up to you...

TX :0)

He is a soul less little ghoul.....

I am sure he is related to Christian Bale..... maybe a love child of his bloodline....

That Hogg kid is one soul less little ghoul isn’t he...???

Crocodile tear acting classes..... that Hogg kid is an evil little slime....

Hilarious !

This guy has Ratneki’s number !