
the fastest way to dehumanize a society, bloodline and race is to erase their history.

Great point but I just can’t help myself I guess cause fucking that Ratneki motherfucker feels oh so good ! I think I’ll just spend the rest of my life doing it . Ya’ll ignore the filthy demons , I understand the theory but I got this ... ps He has over 100 dirty sock accounts confirmed on YouTube alone and is paid to commit his terrorism by Lenny Pozner’s HONR Network .

Yeah buddy!!! Keep digging. That’s her!!

Really? All the news in inundated with masonic codes, literally programming your mind with symbolism. How can people ignore this shit! Do you not understand how mind control works!?

A swim teacher had a sponsor for a mermaid show in Florida. She is a SH researcher. Pozner convinced the sponsor to withdraw support. I nicknamed Pozner "the Walrus". The Walrus killed The Mermaid show. The Walrus killed Tenure at FAU through the smear of Professor Tracy. Thank you for not relenting. The Walrus is the largest bane one could identify as turning truth into a load of horse shit that muddies the quality of life for every citizen in this quagmire of mind control. Make his effort lame! Keep being one they didn’t figure on!

Just got a strike for this video on YouTube ...

Love that video of yours , it will be a classic !

Greatest video ever was his "Crisis Actor Audition" !

Bingo !

Yes he is !

And a deadbeat dad who’s sister has custody of his kid .

Yes this is the paid demon .

He works for them .

LOL!!! nice. Alex Jones licks the boot and anus of the zionists

Thorn is right. The satanic jew cabal deliberately makes the mass shooting phony fuckery transparent in hopes of unorganized armed uprising. You don’t fight overwhelming odds with force. you fight it with information and knowledge and exposure. "A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves" Awaken!

They have opened a can of worms they can never close again !

They are throwing everything they got at all of us and it still amounts to jack shit , nothing .

Alright. Was that you devouring that food, lol?

That is crazy!

Good choice of music. Good to see you back. We both have had confrontations this week, yours more serious than mine. Our situations definitely show those here and other places just how the media is controlled and equally important how with the snap of a finger the media can call for protection.