
Oh Okay.I Just Assumed It Was A Recent Call

so Lenny is making millions from this. Its an active business.

It looks like you discovered it first...but you sure have the entertaining post....Well done.

I have no good evidence he has no right leg. What’s yours?

That was brutal and to watch!

Yep...not right. More smoking guns.

They all are. I won’t let The Ministry of Truth delete PlasmaBurns’ evidence. I’ll mirror ALL of his videos here and those include ALL the fraudsters involved in this GIGANTIC hoax.rn

I does show a discrepancy, though. According to the tweet that was highlighted in the video, the tweet shows the timestamp of 5:33am, February 20th, 2018. If that was based in the PST timezone, that would mean the tweet was posted at 7:33am EST. That would be 17 minutes before the "shooter" even arrived at the school.

hit ler or hit her......he was a chosen pawn not a good guy none of them far as that war so many poor people died but of course not in gas chambers .....from other horrors........we are living the tv show whispering pines

I have to throw in a fact to the timing of the tweet that was highlighted in this video. Tweets and FB post timestamps are based on the viewer’s timezone, not the original poster’s timezone. For example, the people on the east coast of the U.S. that view this comment will see I posted it at 6:21am while the people on the west coast will see that I posted at 3:21am. What I’m getting at is that using a tweet timestamp doesn’t really prove anything.

It was a good catch. You only had a second or two to see it. Maybe they just screwed up or maybe you are right. One thing is for sure. The fakery is always obvious.

We need that piece of trash who’s reading the script and you can see she’s reading because you can actually see the script. Of course that video was removed.... do you have it?

The daughter was also spotted ( by peekay ) at at least one Hiliary speech. And Hiliary actually went right to her and spoke to her right after she got done with her lie fest. All on video in one of her famous green screen screeches not long after Nice and Munich.

Maybe its just me but most of those people don’t look like they just ran 26 freaking miles. I could very well be wrong but I don’t think so.

Oh Abso-fuckin-lutely for sure !!!!

That call was from a maybe a month after the fake shooting .

Yup I’ve watched his channel videos and we message back and for a bunch. There is no denying the hoax codes, that’s just the way they communicate and mock us at the same time. Sick people run the show:(

Thank you Brother! Part of the Sick Truth is it’s set up that your self pride won’t let you admit you been tricked but people like you that even though you were into it can now see it for the hidden agenda, and can admit it’s is all made and ran by a few very rich and powerful people who don’t represent that culture at all. GodBless you and never stop being that humble:)

Yeah i was just Titling them MIRRORED while the account still said CreatedX1 and that all of these videos are old ones from my GameTimeWoo channel on youtube

I used to think that some victims in these hoaxes might be real. But, no real evidence ever seems to support anything other than accidental casualties, if that. Death is messy and complicated. Perfect for distraction and fake deaths work just as well as real ones. It’s not even illegal conspiracy!