
Great post. The numbers have always been there but we now see the consequences.

what a bastard

Found you bro. What a world eh? Get em brother!

Jeranism videos is professionally done – I only want to point out that he is a 80 %-Truther – like Alex Jones.

Somebody on facebook mentioned it but he does not like his name being pushed around as i learned in a phony fake show from the past. Yes it was a phenomenal catch. Hope the info spreads.

We’re planning a fake mass shooting / Tupper ware / kegger block party / chili cook off. We’ve got our donation sites up. We got our family portraits with extra children photoshopped in. We got a shit load of purple ribbons- Just $5 a piece at the entrance...or 3 for $10. We’re even running a raffle to choose the lucky patsy. So, don’t get mad at Newtown just because they did it before you. Join them... learn what free enterprise is all about. And bring your Visa, because we don’t take AmEx. BTW - We’re gonna get a new school out of this that we don’t need so, we’ll be looking to trade it for a shit load of crack.

I like your work. I just want to be absolutely sure. Can exif be used on original video to check date?

Check the moles on the face and neck. Check the ear biometrics. It’s a match.

I already proved you caught Hogg in this one in my last video - - "15 Year Old" Hogg - Skepticon Proves JEWrassic Liars Correct. Check the mokles on the face and neck. It is a match. Who knows when this was filmed? Obviously, he is younger here. Voice matching is always difficult. If you want to be as sure as I am, check the ear biometrics. It’s a match. Other than fingerprints and DNA, ear biometrics is the best and sometimes only tool. Of course, Hogg is a tool, too. But, I’ve bought better tools at Harbor Freight...use ’em a couple of times and toss ’em - a fitting end for Hogg as well. We can only hope.

Great video. Thank you for your time and efforts.

Trump equals Obama equals Bush equals Clinton equals Bush Sr and so on...

this stinks. picture was straight from the 70s. Why would burial services be at a later date? They just showed the supposed caskets.

This is idiotic. You’re the one injecting all the sexual references and innuendos in those names. Gematria BS and Russianvids type garbage.

More on Austin

yes exactly total brainwashing people need to start homeschooling their kids

What happened to full metal armor, helmet, face mask?


Trump’s not stupid! He knows the news is Fake! His hands might be tied, cause he knows there would be a witch-hunt if he called it all BS! Obviously Joe Biden (Obama) knew these were fake, and Biden was busted months prior to Sandy Hoax in a Boston talkshow interview saying something BIG was coming on gun control. Half of the parents visited the WH before Sandy Hoax. So, don’t tell me Trump doesn’t have a freaking clue! If you look slowly or frame by frame at 1:55-1:56 it appears there is no right leg and the leg that was the right leg is now his left. Also at 0:38-0:41 his former left leg is far from him and lying on something off the far side of the bed, the same cloth above the knee. As far as both legs showing some movement for a couple of seconds, it is no different than the tricks they pulled with Rebekah Gregory in Boston, and I have no doubt it took several takes and the room was full of several handlers.

He "pitched" the ball slowly on purpose so he could push past it in time to get set up as the "batter" as well. No mystery here.