
Wonder if this is valid: rnName: VES TC rnWeb Site: Compositing in a Photoreal Featurern The Revenant; Bear Attackrn TC Harrison < There is a TCrnLot os names.. let see :)

Time to put old bot to use and let it search and compile somethings. Good one brother! Peace!

Good one bro! If this is a real guy, hes pinching off alot with our community. GB!

if you could help please do ----------->

Robbie Parker related to the VA shooting Parker clan? Hmmmm.

congrats side thorn.

50 years of fluoride, red 4, red 40, yellow 5 and yellow 6. We are cooked well done. I suppose anymore the question is what makes us all ubique. Perhaps we should study the awake and not the asleep.

The guys one step from busting out. I guess if you can rate successfulness of a hoax, they got bump stocks and a zillion other cool gun add ons with this one. It doesnt really matter in was unbelievable, the sheep don’t require much in the way of special effexcts

Not sure but someone is gonna have to face me in court he keeps this up.

Well that is curious because thats whats gonna be disclosed next is a shared LLC between pozner and parkers. This rabbit hole is deep.

Whoever the opening post us, what do you think now almost a month later? We know what Hogg is.....rn

The stadium was already before Vegas. Nothing to do with shooting.

I can’t post a "hot" link or a link that doesn’t get corrupted into the text....

The Troll effect Lenny doesn’t get it the more he does this the more viewers and followers we get. He will never figure out he is actually helping us. It could be because of the humiliation he had a face as a child or rather a teen that causes him to lash out when he believes he’s being humiliated again. It’s almost like he was in the middle of a circle of kids his age yelling, screaming, punching and spitting on him.

Haven’t watched yet, but here are some screenshots I made of Heather Heyer.

Good work. Certainly one of several common denominators in these phony fake shows. The smiles coming off of the fake people on TV is astounding given the context of what they have just allegedly been through. The prior knowledge of the fake shooter by the police,the drills, no surveillance video,the medically impossible hospital bed stories,no death certificates or documents,ROTC military program is the school plus the secret service reached in and changed the security protocol of the school two weeks prior to the phony fake show and so much more.

I donated a case of Depends to HONR Network because Lenny will be crapping his pants watching his domain wither a way like the moments of a new day ..... 😀